Anti-dsDNA antibody avidity determination by a simple reliable ELISA method for SLE diagnosis and monitoring. Lupus 2003; 12:31-6.Villalta D, Romelli PB, Savina C, Bizzaro N, Tozzoli R, Tonutti E, et al. Anti-dsDNA antibody avidity determination by a simple reliable ELISA method for SLE ...
建议收到Double Stranded DNA (dsDNA) Antibody (IgG), BioAssay ELISA Kit (Human)产品后将其置于4°C/-20°C保存。 其他 Usbiological公司是美国著名的抗体和生化试剂供应商,生产世界上种类最多的抗体,用于Western Blot、免疫沉淀、免疫荧光、免疫组化和流式细胞术等多种检测方法。Usbiological公司现已拥有超过50...
It is intended to aid in the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus, and to monitor dsDNA antibody levels during treatment and remission. Autoantibody levels represent one parameter in a multicriterion diagnostic process.Background Systemic rheumatic diseases are autoimmune disorders such as systemic ...
(hematoxylin-eosin, high power) #9408070 Systemic lupus erythematosus: IgG deposition, glomerulus (photomicrograph) The basement membrane of the glomerulus is partly outlined by irregular lumpy and bumpy deposits of antigen-antibody complex. These fluoresce apple green because they bind fluorescein-...
highaffinityantibodypopulation lostfromtheserulnwas localizing inthe kidneys andother organs.IgG isotypes andrenal pathology inthis studyprovided someevidenceforthis possibility.However otherpossibilitiesmightexist,for example, the decreasing affmity
Alt-R HDR Donor Blocks were developed to address the need for better HDR research solutions when creating larger changes or inserts in the genome. Utilizing the same high-fidelity process as IDT gBlocks™ HiFi Gene Fragments, the HDR Donor Blocks incorporate advanced chemical modifications at each...
buffer. The density of the yellow coloration is directly proportional to the amount of captured dsDNA-specific antibodies in the plate. The light absorbance (OD value) under 450nm wavelength of the wells is determined using a microplate reader. The antibody ...
[Key words]: SLE antinuclear antibody anti-Sm anti-dsDNA combined detection 系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)是自身免疫风湿类疾病常见的一种疾病,属于非器官特异性自身免疫性疾病。SLE 患者血清中存在的多种不同自身抗体已被逐渐发现,其中抗核抗体、抗 Sm 抗体、抗 dsDNA抗体尤其受到人们的重视,已作为 SLE 诊断的标记抗体...
小鼠抗双链DNA抗体/天然DNA抗体(dsDNA)elisa定量检测试剂盒48T/96T英文名称:Mouse anti double stranded DNA antibody / natural antibody DNA (dsDNA) ELISA KitELISA试剂为我司主营产品之一,产品皆严格按照相关标准进行 ,并经过了严格地反复地检测,我们以严谨的态度保证产品的质量,从而保证您的实验顺利进行。产品供货...
antibody in co-immunization group was higher than that in SSB peptide immunization group,while the titre of anti-dsDNA antibody in co-immunization group was lower than that in DNA immunization group.It was also revealed that the titre of anti-SSB antibody was relatively high and that of anti-...