药物性狼疮(drug-induced lupus,DIL) 药物性狼疮(drug-induced lupus,DIL)是一种由某些药物引起的自身免疫性疾病,其临床表现与系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)相似,但通常较轻。DIL的诊断标准包括有明确的药物暴露史、有抗核抗体或抗组蛋白抗体阳性、以及至少有一种临床表现,如关节炎、浆膜炎、皮肤损害或发热。引起DIL的药物...
Drug-induced lupus (DIL) is a disorder with clinical, histological, and immunological features similar to idiopathic systemic lupus erythematosus, but that occurs when certain drugs are taken and resolved after discontinuation of the offending agent. No uniform diagnostic criteria exist for the disorder...
drug-induced lupus (DIL) 免疫 关键词:免疫疾病狼疮 词汇介绍 拓展阅读 解析 drug英 /drʌɡ/ 美 /drʌɡ/ 释义n. 药 例句The drug buffered her pain.这药物减轻了她的痛苦。 induced英 /ɪn'djuːst/ 美 /ɪn'djʊst/ 释义adj. 诱发的 ...
药物性红斑狼疮(drug-inducedlupus) 答案:服用某些药物(以普鲁卡因胺和肼苯达嗪最为多见)后引起的LE样表现和免疫学异常,主要表现为发热、关节痛、肌肉痛、面部蝶形红... 点击查看完整答案手机看题 你可能感兴趣的试题 名词解释 Heliotrope征 答案: 皮肌炎特征性皮肤表现之一,表现为双上眼睑紫红色浮肿性红斑,此外,...
This case is the first report of a drug-induced lupus-likesyndrome concomitant with a severe autoimmune hepatitis in a genetically predisposed patient.doi:10.1191/0961203303lu313crI W GraziadeiW VogelG E ObermoserN T SeppK H ErhartLupus
Drug-induced lupus is a syndrome resembling mild systemic lupus erythematosus which can complicate treatment with certain apparently unrelated therapies. The most common individual agents are procainamide and hydralazine. Drugs less frequently associated with the disease are chlorpromazine, isoniazid, methyldopa...
Introduction: Drug-induced lupus (DIL) refers to an idiosyncratic side effect of numerous, apparently unrelated, medications, in which symptoms overlap with those of systemic lupus erythematosus. DIL is reversible by discontinuation of the medication. The etiological mechanism underlying DIL is linked to...
Drug-induced lupus (DIL) is an autoimmune phenomenon where a drug exposure leads to the development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) like clinical features. DIL is a clear example of an environmental trigger leading to the development of lupus in a genetically susceptible individual. Hydralazine...
The generation of autoantibodies and autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus has been associated with the use of certain drugs in humans.
药物性红斑狼疮(drug-inducedlupus) 网友 1 最佳答案 回答者:网友 服用某些药物(以普鲁卡因胺和肼苯达嗪最为多见)后引起的LE样表现和免疫学异常,主要表现为发热、关节痛、肌肉痛、面部蝶形红斑、口腔溃疡,可有浆膜炎,ANA、抗组蛋白抗体、抗ssDNA抗体等可为阳性,停药后多可逐渐好转。我...