Databricks recommends usingCREATE OR REPLACE TABLEstatements for use cases where you want to fully overwrite the target table with new data. For example, to overwrite a Delta table with all data from a Parquet directory, you could run the following command: ...
DROP BLOOMFILTER INDEX (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake) FSCK (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake) GENERATE (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake) MERGE INTO (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake) OPTIMIZE (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake) REORG TABLE (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake...
Available in Databricks Runtime 11.3 LTS and above. When column mapping is enabled for a Delta table, you can drop one or more columns: SQL ALTERTABLEtable_nameDROPCOLUMNcol_nameALTERTABLEtable_nameDROPCOLUMNS(col_name_1,col_name_2,...) ...
Узнайте, какудалитьфункциитаблицыв Delta Lake, чтобыснизитьтребованиякпротоколучтенияизаписииустранитьпроблемысовместимости.
Learn how to use the DROP BLOOMFILTER INDEX syntax of the Delta Lake SQL language in Databricks SQL and Databricks Runtime.
適用於: Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime 卸除Bloom 篩選索引。 語法 複製 DROP BLOOMFILTER INDEX ON [TABLE] table_name [FOR COLUMNS(columnName1 [, ...] ) ] 參數 table_name 識別現有的 Delta 數據表。 名稱不得包含 時態規格或選項規格。 如果數據表名稱或其中一個數據行不存在,命令...
Learn how to use the DROP BLOOMFILTER INDEX syntax of the Delta Lake SQL language in Databricks SQL and Databricks Runtime.
Databricks Runtime Drops a Bloom filter index. Syntax DROP BLOOMFILTER INDEX ON [TABLE] table_name [FOR COLUMNS(columnName1 [, ...] ) ] Parameters table_name Identifies an existing Delta table. The name must not include atemporal specification or options specification. ...
Applies to: Databricks SQL Databricks RuntimeDrops a Bloom filter index.Syntaxהעתק DROP BLOOMFILTER INDEX ON [TABLE] table_name [FOR COLUMNS(columnName1 [, ...] ) ] Parameterstable_name Identifies an existing Delta table. The name must not include a temporal specification or ...
Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime Drops a Bloom filter index. Syntax DROP BLOOMFILTER INDEX ON [TABLE] table_name [FOR COLUMNS(columnName1 [, ...] ) ] Parameters table_name Identifies an existing Delta table. The name must not include atemporal specification or options specification. ...