This essay looks at the role that Anglo-American women played in governing their Irish immigrant domestic servants and at the racial and gendered meanings that were attached to servitude. In the second half of the nineteenth century, female Irish Catholic immigrants predominated in domestic service ...
syn: slavery, bondage, servitude refer to involuntary subjection to another or others. slavery emphasizes the idea of complete ownership and control by a master: to be sold into slavery. bondage indicates a state of subjugation or captivity often involving burdensome and degrading labor: in bondage...
Human Trafficking in the United States: Foreign and Domestic Victims1. Recruiting, harboring, transporting, supplying, or obtaininga person for labor or services using force or fraud orcoercion for the purpose of involuntary servitude or slavery. 2. Sex trafficking where a commercial sex act is ...
The helpline provides a bilingual free and confidential information and support service for women, children and men in Wales who are experiencing or who have experienced abuse at the hands of someone close to them Victim Support Helpline
The Latin word rarely appears in the sense "parents with their children," for whichdomus(seedomestic(adj.)) was used. Derivatives offamulusincludefamula"serving woman, maid,"famulanter"in the manner of a servant,"famulitas"servitude,"familiaris"of one's household, private,"familiaricus"of ...
R. 1991. “Outside the Imagined Community: Undocumented Settlers and Experiences of Incorporation”, American Ethnologist, 18 (2): 257–278. Article Google Scholar Chin, C. 1998. In Service and Servitude: Foreign Female Domestic Workers and the Malaysian “Modernity” Project. New York: ...
Ruth Picke, ‘Penal Servitude in the Spanish Empire: Presidio Labor in the 18th Century’,Hispanic American Historical Review(hereafter, HAHR), 58, #1 (1978), pp. 21–40. ArticleGoogle Scholar Silvia M. Arrom,Las Mujeres de la Ciudad de Mexico, 1790–1857, (Mexico: Siglo XXI, 1988), ...
In addition, certain forms of child domestic work are considered to be ‘child domestic servitude’ –and a form of modern slavery – when it is characterized by exploitative and harmful working conditions, inability to leave the job or excessive control and confinement, long hours, little or ...
USConstitution,whichcompletelyabolishedslaveyintheUnited States. [1](P225) Beforeemancipation,mostbalckwomenwereslaves. Theylivedawretchedlife.Afteremancipation,mostofthem,who workedasdomesticemloyees,stillhadtodoburdensomedomestic worktosurvive,thoughtheyhadthechoicetoliveinorliveout. ...
(1990) ‘Ideology and servitude’, in R. Sanjeck and S. Colen (eds.) At Work in Homes: Household Workers in World Perspective (Washington, DC: American Ethnological Society Monograph Series, No. 3), 74–88. Google Scholar Romero, M. (1992) Maid in the USA (New York: Routledge). ...