This article makes a twofold contribution to a human rights-centred response to domestic servitude as a modern form of slavery. First, it offers a conceptualisation of domestic servitude as a comprehensive and specific violation of the human right to housing, based on a reading of the right to...
Servitude and Forced Labour in the 21st Century: The Human Rights of Domestic Workers Organisations and scholars have recently drawn attention to what they call a modern form of slavery, ‘domestic slavery’. Domestic workers in Europe and e... V Mantouvalou - 《Ind Law J》 被引量: 25发表...
with intersectionality theories in order to examine whether enacted migration policies in Malaysia and Singapore in relation to migrant workers, though migration policies imposed to domestic workers are aimed to fulfill the national interests, can be regarded as a form of modern slavery or servitude ....
In addition, certain forms of child domestic work are considered to be ‘child domestic servitude’ –and a form of modern slavery – when it is characterized by exploitative and harmful working conditions, inability to leave the job or excessive control and confinement, long hours, little or ...
(B) the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.3 ...
Ray, R., & Qayum, S. (2009).Cultures of servitude: Modernity. Domesticity and class in modern India. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Google Scholar Romero, M., Preston, V., & Giles, W. (2014). Care work in a globalizing world. In M. Romero, V. Preston, & W. Giles (Eds....
Servitude and forced labour in the 21st century: The human rights of domestic workers in and its legal implications constitute a positive first step towards addressing the problem of the coercion and vulnerability of migrant domestic workers. ... V Mantouvalou - 《Industrial Law Journal》 被引量...
1. Recruiting, harboring, transporting, supplying, or obtaininga person for labor or services using force or fraud orcoercion for the purpose of involuntary servitude or slavery. 2. Sex trafficking where a commercial sex act is inducedby force or fraud or coercion when person is induced toperfor...
Second, it considers the notion of slavery and the related notions of servitude, forced and compulsory labour, as they have been analysed in recent case law of the European Court of Human Rights. It then assesses the question whether the concept of modern slavery has been correctly approached ...
modern slaveryservitudeforced labourdomestic workhuman rightsThis piece focuses on abuse suffered by domestic workers as a modern form of slavery. It, first, examines the key features of domestic labour and highlights the special challenges that domestic workers face. Second, it considers the notion ...