and children. It is a market fueled by supply and demand forces. Poverty, corruption, and illiteracy are all baits for trafficking. Forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation, and domestic servitude are the main reasons for the annual trafficking of millions of people worldwide. Asian nations.....
One of the most pervasive forms of modern child slavery is domestic servitude. A shocking10.5 million children—71 percent of whom are girls and many of whom are as young as five years old—are estimated to be domestic workers around the world, and many of these children are held in slaver...
Children are often sold or sent to areas with the promise of a better life but instead encounter various forms of exploitation. Domestic servitude places “extra children” (children from excessively large families) into domestic service, often for extended periods of time. Other trafficked children...
Childrenare often sold or sent to areas with the promise of a better life but insteadencountervarious forms of exploitation. Domestic servitude places “extra children” (children from excessively large families) into domestic service, often for extended periods of time. Other trafficked children are...