Release of Final DOL Exempt Employee Salary Rule Likely ImminentEdward E. Hollis
In this opinion letter, the DOL opined that a company that contracted with hotel, motel, apartment, and condominium buildings to operate and maintain swimming pool facilities at each property could meet the definition and claim the exemption. The DOL indicated, however, that the pools must meet ...
The definition of “compensation” has been modified in the Final Rules to allow the description of compensation or cost to be expressed as a monetary amount, formula, percentage of the covered plan’s assets, a per capita charge, or other reasonable method. Under certain circumstances, the cov...
NYS DOL New Rules for Minimum Wage Increases, Exempt Employee Threshold Take Effect 12/31/16John D. Geelan
(or longer period of time) and not shift-by-shift. The DOL also noted in a footnote that even if shifts are staffed exclusively by managers and supervisors, the regulations “do not permit tip pools composed solely of managers and supervisors, as this would by definition result in m...
DOL Issues Guidance on Compensability of Medically Necessary Non-Exempt Employee BreaksSusan W. Kline