Some people believe you should avoid consuming milk and other dairy products when you have a cold or sore throat because they createmucusthat can make symptoms worse. To date, the evidence supporting the claim is mixed, with some suggesting that milk has no effect and others suggesting that it...
Lean Body Hacksis a 21-day regime that teaches you a unique combination and ratio ofherbs and spicesthat has been scientifically proven to improve yourgut flora, boost your metabolism andforce your body to burn food for fuel instead of storing it as fat. Your stomach and gut flora are key...
12、ause rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse, hernia, hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence after onset; suffering from pulmonary heart disease, coronary heart disease, asthma, hypertension, cerebrovascular diseases of the elderly, constipation will be worse, especially hard stool could not struggle, often le...
The burning tends to get worse as the day goes on. No one knows the exact cause. Some experts think it’s a nerve problem, but it’s also linked to conditions like acid reflux and menopause. There’s no cure, but your dentist may suggest you make some changes, like switching ...
Because iron in yourprenatalvitamin may make things worse, talk to your doctor about a multivitamin withfolic acid Avoid Triggers During pregnancy your sense of smell is often more acute. Avoid specific odors, tastes, and activities that cause nausea. Some common triggers include: ...
and he ended up vomiting. To make matters worse, the Federal Trade Commission sent an official warning letter to the producer of Four Loko, urging the business to discontinue the beverages for public health reasons. On November 17, Four Loko yielded to the pressure, announcing that all of the...
⤻A“window of opportunity” (WOO) in therapy is a period of minor pain relief or boosted confidence that facilitates normal activity/exercise, which in turn is what delivers the true rehab value. This is exemplified in some cases of frozen shoulder. A placebo can also generate a bit of ...
Food can also lead to body odor in a more roundabout way. Spicy food tends to make its eater sweat from both the apocrine and eccrine glands. More sweat can equal more body odor; hence, cutting spicy foods from your diet can lead to a reduction in body odor [source: Mayo Clinic]. Ul...
Avoid foods and medications that make it worse. Avoid abdominal exercises that put too much strain on your stomach. Check the expiration dates on products before eating them. Reduce the amount of time you spend doing things that constantly stress you out or situations that make you anxious. ...
Bright side: Whooping cough, tetanus, and flu would have kept me up awake more and with worse symptoms, guaranteed. One does not cause as much pain as the other. By anon119839 — On Oct 19, 2010 Thank you all for your posts! I had a tetanus booster four days ago and my arm is...