Milk such as regular white or chocolate milk Yogurt with seeds, such as raspberry or strawberry, or yogurts made with high-fat milk Cheese, such as cheese with higher fat cheese or cheese with seeds, such as caraway Desserts, such as sherbet, cakes, cookies, ice cream, regular puddings an...
.pcrm/health/Info_on_Veg_Diets/dairy.html) LactoseIntolerance Affects75%oftheworld's population. Symptomsincludebloating, flatulence,abdominalpainand diarrhea. Cure:Don'tdrinkyourmilk. BovineGrowthHormone(BGH) GeneticallyengineeredHormone Usedbyfarmerstoincreasemilkproductions Decreasesthebodyfatofcows Cause...