Milk products, such as milk, pudding, ice cream or cream soups Nutritional supplements, such as Ensure or Boost (may contain lactose) Also, avoid drinking extremely hot or cold drinks because it may aggravate diarrhea and cause cramping. There are certain milk products, which can be taken when...
which does not respond to typical treatments. Sometimes people can find themselves moving between both constipation and diarrhea. The diagnosis of this condition is made difficult by the variability of intermittent symptom severity. This condition can last for years, or a person may have it their...
.pcrm/health/Info_on_Veg_Diets/dairy.html) LactoseIntolerance Affects75%oftheworld's population. Symptomsincludebloating, flatulence,abdominalpainand diarrhea. Cure:Don'tdrinkyourmilk. BovineGrowthHormone(BGH) GeneticallyengineeredHormone Usedbyfarmerstoincreasemilkproductions Decreasesthebodyfatofcows Cause...