STATUS (Law)CUSTOMARY lawThe third edition of the United States (US) Department of Defense Law of War Manual, updated in December 2016 (2015 DoD Manual) states that "[u]nder customary international law, no legal presumption of civilian status exists for persons or objects". The 2015 Manual ...
DOD Manualdum-dumexpanding bullethuman rightThis article focuses primarily on several egregious errors and manifest misconceptions contained in portions of Part I of the 2015 Department of Defense Law ofdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2712004Paust, Jordan J
Sherman issued DOD Manual8140.03, the Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management Program—the third issue of this policy series, which was last updated in December 2021—to provide a more targeted and flexible approach within the cyber workforce lifecycle. Specifically, DOD’s Cyberspace Workforce...
“This will enable DHS to associate the immigration records created for children to their adult records later, which will help combat trafficking of children, and confirm the absence of criminal history or associations with terrorist or other organizations seeking to violate applicable law,” ...
Neither the dismissal as a matter of law nor the jurisdictional defects under-cut the VCS case's status as a landmark decision. Along with the dismissal, Judge Conti issued “findings of fact;” that is, the judge chronicled the statistics evidencing neglect at the hands of a grossl...
The U.S. Department of Defense Law of War Manual ("Manual") has sparked debate on U.S. interpretation of core duties under international humanitarian law ("IHL"Margulies, Peter