The U.S. Department of Defense Law of War Manual ("Manual") has sparked debate on U.S. interpretation of core duties under international humanitarian law ("IHL"Margulies, Peter
3. Lawmaker: DOD encroaching on civilian agencies' spectrum management [J] . Mariam Baksh, Jason Sherman Inside the pentagon . 2019,第40期 机译:立法者:国防部侵犯民政机构的频谱管理 4. The Value Absence and Rebuilding of Traditional Personnel Management—On the Transition from Traditional Pers...
DOD Manualdum-dumexpanding bullethuman rightThis article focuses primarily on several egregious errors and manifest misconceptions contained in portions of Part I of the 2015 Department of Defense Law ofdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2712004Paust, Jordan J
The 2023 US DoD Law of War Manual (2023 Manual) has now been promulgated with a revision to the doubt rule. Doubt regarding the character of persons or the nature of dedicated civilian objects results in a "presumption" of civilian status "unless the information available indicates that the ...