customary lawDOD Manualdum-dumexpanding bullethuman rightThis article focuses primarily on several egregious errors and manifest misconceptions contained in portions of Part I of the 2015 Department of Defense Law ofdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2712004Paust, Jordan J...
The 2015 Manual received general support from military circles, but some experts believed that rejecting the customary international law (CIL) status of the presumption of civilian status in instances of doubt was an apparent mistake or important error. The 2023 US DoD Law of War Manual (2023 ...
The interpretations and definition provided by the US Department of Defense (USDOD) in the Law of War Manual in fact absolves the Sri Lanka military of the 'war crime and genocide charges' blaming the non-state actor - the LTTE - in declaring "[i]f the proportionality rule were interpret...
The 8140 Manual replaces DOD’s8570Manual, Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program—last updated in 2015—which focused on qualifying a portion of the cybersecurity workforce on information assurance and on computer network defense professionals. The previous iteration of the plan—8140.02detail...
The U.S. Department of Defense Law of War Manual ("Manual") has sparked debate on U.S. interpretation of core duties under international humanitarian law ("IHL"Margulies, Peter