on Java documentation comments differ from block comments in that the documentation comments generate external documentation on the source code, so I didn't get the type of documentations they generate. Is there anyone who wants to explain this for me please?
if (foo > 1) { // Do a double-flip. ... } else { return false; // Explain why here. } //if (bar > 1) { // // // Do a triple-flip. // ... //} //else { // return false; //} 5.2 文档注释(Documentation Comments) 注意:此处描述的注释格式之范例,参见"Java源文件范例...
Right-click the ( icon in the gutter or ) and enable the Render All option. Alternatively, in the Settings dialog CtrlAlt0S, select Editor | General | Appearance and enable the Render documentation comments option. To edit rendered Javadocs, click the icon in the gutter next to the comment...
In this area, specify additional formatting options for Javadoc comments. Enable leading asterisks: start each line of a Javadoc comment with an asterisk. Use @throws rather than @exception: use the @throws tag. Wrap at right margin: wrap the text that exceeds the right margin to the next ...
smart-doc is the first in the industry to put forward the concept of JAVA generic definition derivation . It analyzes and generates interface documents completely based on the interface source code. Annotations invade into business code. You only need to write comments according to the java-doc ...
Extract Documentation Comments from Key/Value Definitions WhileSimplePropertyelements will provide us with their key and value, we have no direct access to a possible comment that is preceding the key/value definition. Since we would like to show this comment in the documentation as well, we...
The document generated by the javadoc tool from the doc comments in Java source code. The default generated document is in HTML and is created by the standard doclet. name A name of a program element written in the Java Language -- that is, the name of a package, class, interface, fie...
A Boolean setting (values: true/false) to disable comments in review materials. If enabled, only defects can be added. Default is false. com.smartbear.database.longquerythreshold The time in milliseconds to allow database queries to run before logging a warning message. This is used to help...
If the Java Environment timezone is incorrect you will notice that timestamps within Stash are all off by the same amount of time in the logs, commits, comments, etc and differ form the system time of the Stash server. If a user hovers the cursor above the time a commit was made the...
are supported in comments. package myfirstmodule.actions; import com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.IContext; import com.mendix.webui.CustomJavaAction; public class JavaAction_1 extends CustomJavaAction<java.lang.Void> { public JavaAction_1(IContext context) { super(context); } @java.lang....