* @param x the x-coordinate of the northwest corner * of the destination rectangle in pixels * @param y the y-coordinate of the northwest corner * of the destination rectangle in pixels * @param observer the image observer to be notified as more * of the image is converted. May be * ...
1. 使用关键字来强调关键字,建议强调的内容有:java关键字、包名、类名、方法名、接口名、字段名、参数名等 2. 控制{@link xxx}的数量,太多的链接会使文档的可读性很差,因为读者总是跳来跳去。不要出现相同的链接,同样的链接只保留第一个;不要为java自带的内容或是常识性的内容提供链接 3. 描述一个方法时...
@author(只出现在类和接口的文档中) @version(只出现在类和接口的文档中) @param(只出现在方法或构造器的文档中) @return(只出现在方法中) @exception(从java1.2之后也可以使用@thrown替代) @see @since @serial(也可以使用@serialField或@serialData替代) @deprecated 此外,如果有多个相同标记,也要注意顺序: ...
1. 使用关键字来强调关键字,建议强调的内容有:java关键字、包名、类名、方法名、接口名、字段名、参数名等 2. 控制 {@link xxx} 的数量,太多的链接会使文档的可读性很差,因为读者总是跳来跳去。不要出现相同的链接,同样的链接只保留第一个;不要为java自带的内容或是常识性的内容提供链接 3. 描述一个方法...
“文档注释”(Java Doc Comments)是专门为了用javadoc工具自动生成文档而写的注释,它是一种带有特殊功能的注释。 文档注释与一般注释的最大区别在于起始符号是/**而不是/*或//。 比如: /** * 这是文档注释 */ /* * 这是一般注释 */ // 这是一般注释 在一些IDE(比如Eclipse)中,文档注释会以不同于普...
I'd like Dokka to support Markdown Doc Comments (///) in addition to the regular Javadoc syntax (/** */). Describe alternatives you've considered Generate Java documentation with javadoc, and Kotlin documentation with Dokka. This is my current workaround, but it’s not pretty, and not ...
Documentation comments(doc comments) The special comments in the Java source code that are delimited by the/** ... */delimiters. These comments are processed by the Javadoc tool to generate the API docs. javadoc The JDK tool that generates API documentation from documentation comments. ...
This document describes the style guide, tag and image conventions we use in documentation comments for Java programs written at Java Software, Oracle. It does not rehash related material covered elsewhere:For reference material on Javadoc tags, see the Javadoc reference pages. For the required ...
下面的代码段显示了如何使用Java从Word文件中删除特定注释: // Open the document. Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Comments.docx"); String authorName = "Aspose"; // Collect all comments in the document NodeCollection comments = doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.COMMENT, true); ...
getRootPackageGeneric(); // Remove archive comments root.getZipPackage().setComment(null); // Save cleaned file metadata.save("output.zip"); } About GroupDocs.Metadata for Java API GroupDocs.Metadata for Java is an advanced metadata fields manipulation solution to easily read, add, update, ...