If you write good comments, it will be easier for others to understand the code. Comments are ignored by the compiler when it compiles the program. There are three types of comments in java code. Single line comments Multi-line comments Java doc comments Single line comments: These are ...
on Java documentation comments differ from block comments in that the documentation comments generate external documentation on the source code, so I didn't get the type of documentations they generate. Is there anyone who wants to explain this for me please?
Bacchelli, "Classifying code comments in java open-source software systems," in 14th Int'l Conf. Mining Softw. Repos- itories, May 2017, pp. 227-237.L. Pascarella and A. Bacchelli. Classifying code comments in java open-source software systems. In Proceedings of the 14th International ...
How To JavaScript How To Java How To Vue.js How To Python Snippets JavaScript How and When to Write Comments in Javascript How and When to Write Comments in JavascriptThe first concern in programming is usually how the machine reads the code interprets it. Indeed, taking into account th...
Here's an example of a trailing comment in Java code: Copy Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy if (a == 2) {return TRUE; /* special case */ } else { return isPrime(a); /* works only for odd a */ } 5.1.4 End-Of-Line Comments ...
Java CommentsComments can be used to explain Java code, and to make it more readable. It can also be used to prevent execution when testing alternative code.Single-line CommentsSingle-line comments start with two forward slashes (//).
Code comments are text in thesource codethat the compiler or interpreter ignores when running a program. They are annotations that provide context for others looking at the code. Different programming languages have different syntaxes to denote comments in source code. For example,Java commentsuse...
There are no single-quote, double-quote, or control characters in the source code. 题解: First we need to track if it is within /* ... */ comment section. If it is in the comment section, the only thing we care is to find closing comment */. Other things, we don't care. ...
AGCRemoteConfigErrorCode AGCRemoteConfigSource Web/快应用/快游戏/微信小程序 agconnect.remoteConfig Overview AGConnectConfig ConfigValue ConfigContainer AGCRemoteConfigException Persistence HarmonyOS Java Overview AGConnectConfig ConfigValues AGCConfigException Server REST API...
7.3. Java Documentation CommentsMost ordinary comments within Java code explain the implementation details of that code. In contrast, the Java language specification defines a special type of comment known as a doc comment that serves to document the API of your code. A doc comment is an ...