class in UnityEngine / 继承自:Transform 描述 矩形的位置、大小、锚点和轴心信息。 RectTransforms 用于 GUI,不过也可以用于其他情况。 它用于存储和操作矩形的位置、大小和锚定,并支持各种形式的缩放(基于父 RectTransform)。 **注意**:Inspector 基于在使用哪个锚点预设对公开哪些属性进行更改。有关更多信息,请参...
Rect TransformEl componente Rect Transform es la contraparte del diseño 2D del componete Transform. Dónde el Transform representa un solo punto, un Rect Transform representa un rectángulo donde un elemento UI puede ser colocado en su interior. Si el padre del Rect Transform también es un...
Application-unityVersion.html Application-webSecurityEnabled.html Application.CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded.html Application.CancelQuit.html Application.CaptureScreenshot.html Application.ExternalCall.html Application.ExternalEval.html Application.GetStreamProgressForLevel.html Application.LoadLevel.html...
Unity UI: Unity User Interface UI Reference Auto Layout Content Size FitterContent Size FitterPropertiesProperty:Function: Horizontal Fit How the width is controlled. Unconstrained Do not drive the width based on the layout element. Min Size Drive the width based on the minimum width of the layout...
Frame = new Rect(x, y, side, side); RectTransform ReferenceRectTransform { get; set; } A reference rect transform which the web view should change its position and size to. Set it to a Unity UI element (which contains a RectTransform) under a canvas to determine the web view frame by...
Unity might split a vertex and then the script will not find the correct contour. You should not use a very high polygon mesh since that will create a lot of nodes in the navmesh graph and slow down pathfinding because of that. For very high polygon meshes it might even cause more ...
场景制作 场景资源 节点和组件 坐标系和节点变换 节点层级和渲染顺序 使用场景编辑器搭建场景 多层次细节 资源系统 资源工作流 图像资源 纹理贴图资源 精灵帧资源 图像资源的自动剪裁 立方体贴图资源 图集资源 自动图集资源 艺术数字资源 预制资源 字体资源
class Shape { getName() { return "shape"; } }; class Rect extends Shape { getName () { return "rect"; } }; let obj = new Rect(); console.log(obj.getName()); // "rect" get/set 方法 如果在属性中定义了 get/set,那么在访问属性的时候,就能触发预定义的 get/set 方法。 get...
Frame = new Rect(x, y, side, side); RectTransform ReferenceRectTransform { get; set; } A reference rect transform which the web view should change its position and size to. Set it to a Unity UI element (which contains a RectTransform) under a canvas to determine the web view frame ...
Frame = new Rect(x, y, side, side); RectTransform ReferenceRectTransform { get; set; } A reference rect transform which the web view should change its position and size to. Set it to a Unity UI element (which contains a RectTransform) under a canvas to determine the web view frame ...