Docker push语法用法示例详解 用法 描述 并发上传 选项 示例 1.将新镜像推送到注册表 2.推送镜像的所有标签(-a, --all-tags) 参考链接 Docker push语法用法示例详解 源自专栏《docker常用命令系列&&k8s系列目录导航》 将镜像上传至注册表。以下是一些推送新镜像到注册表的常见原因: 共享镜像:通过将镜像推送到注册...
Allow the following usage: docker push org/image-a:some_tag org/image-b:other_tag This would make docker push simpler to use in systems that need to build and push multiple images to dockerhub by obviating the need to wrap docker push in...
Hi, Is it possible to add new function to push multiple tags? I saw docker-maven-plugin is already with this function. Always we may need to push image with two tags, one is with version like 1.0.0, and another one is latest. Thanks!
Implemented docker push --all-tags. Implemented counting containers using a specific image (visible for example in docker system df -v). Validated pulled image names are not reserved. Handle userns-remap daemon setting. Fixed legacy builder build errors when multiple COPY/ADD instructions are used...
Push all tags of an image (-a, --all-tags) Use the-a(or--all-tags) option to push all tags of a local image. The following example creates multiple tags for an image, and pushes all those tags to Docker Hub. $docker image tag myimage registry-host:5000/myname/myimage:latest$doc...
A convenience command calledbuildAndPushallows the build and push of images to a container registry in a single command. YAML Classic The following YAML snippet is an example of building and pushing multiple tags of an image to multiple registries. ...
push Push an image or a repository to the docker registry server # 推送指定镜像或者库镜像至docker源服务器 restart Restart a running container # 重启运行的容器 rm Remove one or more containers # 移除一个或者多个容器 rmi Remove one or more images # 移除一个或多个镜像[无容器使用该镜像才可...
现在我们需要将镜像推送到 Docker Hub,确保在命令行中已经使用docker login登录过 Docker Hub 的情况下,使用docker push命令推送镜像: $ docker push jianghushinian/echo-platform-arm64 Using default tag: latest The push refers to repository[]dd0468cb6cb1: Push...
通过/v2/<REPONAME>/<IMAGENAME>/tags/list: [root@localhost docker_study]# curl http://localhost:5000/v2/panda/my_registry/tags/list {"name":"panda/my_registry","tags":["v1"]} [root@localhost docker_study]# #再push一个image到私有仓库; [root@localhost docker_study]# docker push ...
可以使用 docker [image] push 命令上 传镜像到仓库,默认上传到 Docker Hub 官方仓库(需要登录)。 命令格式为 docker [image] push NAME [:TAG] I [REGISTRY_HOST [ :REGISTRY_PORT] / ]NAME [:TAG] 。 用户在 Docker Hub 网站注册后可以上传自制的镜像。