$docker image ls You should see bothrhel-httpdandregistry-host:5000/myadmin/rhel-httpdlisted. Push all tags of an image (-a, --all-tags) Use the-a(or--all-tags) option to push all tags of a local image. The following example creates multiple tags for an image, and pushes all thos...
Allow the following usage: docker push org/image-a:some_tag org/image-b:other_tag This would make docker push simpler to use in systems that need to build and push multiple images to dockerhub by obviating the need to wrap docker push in a loop....
NAME=$(docker inspect --format='{{.RepoTags}}' $IMAGE | cut -d' ' -f1 | tr -d '[]') docker push $NAME done 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 这段脚本首先获取所有本地镜像的ID,然后遍历每个镜像,获取镜像的名称并依次推送。 3. 执行脚本 将以上脚本保存为push_all.sh文件,并赋予...
Hi, Is it possible to add new function to push multiple tags? I saw docker-maven-plugin is already with this function. Always we may need to push image with two tags, one is with version like 1.0.0, and another one is latest. Thanks!
$ docker buildx build -t TAG --annotation "index:foo=bar" --push . You can specify multiple types, separated by a comma (,) to add the annotation to multiple image components. The following example adds the foo=bar annotation to image index, descriptors, manifests: ...
Welcome to the world's largest container registry built for developers and open source contributors to find, use, and share their container images. Build, push and pull.
$ sudo docker push ouruser/sinatra The push refers to a repository [ouruser/sinatra] (len:1) Sending image list Pushing repository ouruser/sinatra (3 tags) 5)存出/载入/移除 root@Ubuntu14:~/test-dir# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ...
假设是save/load的image。会出现以下的错误。对于这种image。最好又一次build对应的Dockerfile。 [docker@docker1 ~] $docker push The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1) Sending image list Pushing repository (1 tags) ...
Publish your image on Docker Hub Share your application with the world (or other developers on your team). Sign up for free Choose a subscription that’s right for you Find your perfect balance of collaboration, security, and support with a Docker subscription. ...
Normally, you’d first buildbase.Dockerfile, then push it to a registry or leave it in the Docker image store. Then you’d build the secondDockerfilethat loads the image by name. An issue with this approach is that if you use the Docker image store, then it currently doesn’t support...