# docker tag meshop.view.sso private-docker.tidebuy.net/meshop.view.sso #重命名镜像名 # docker tag meshop.view.api private-docker.tidebuy.net/meshop.view.api #重命名镜像名 # dockerloginprivate-docker.tidebuy.net -u rancher -p rancher --password-stdin #登录私有仓 # docker push private-docke...
image:docker:latestservices:-docker:dindvariables:DOCKER_HOST:tcp://docker:2375/DOCKER_DRIVER:overlay2stages:-build-tag-pushbuild:stage:buildscript:-docker build-t myapp:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA .only:-maintag:stage:tagscript:-docker tag myapp:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA myapp:latestonly:-mainpush:stage:...
Push the image using thedocker pushcommand: $docker pushYOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME/concepts-build-image-demo If you receive arequested access to the resource is denied, make sure you are both logged in and that your Docker username is correct in the image tag. ...
#docker容器打标签 $ sudo docker tag [ImageId] registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/xxxx/app:[镜像版本号] #push到镜像仓库 $ sudo docker push registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/xxxx/app:[镜像版本号] #docker pull $ sudo docker pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/xxx/app:[镜像版本号] 1. 2....
Docker是一个简单实用的容器化技术,它可以方便地部署和管理应用程序。本文介绍了Docker的一些常用命令,包括docker run、docker ps、docker exec、docker stop、docker rm、docker images、docker pull、docker push和docker build。通过掌握这些命令,可以更加方便地使用Docker,提高开发和运维的效率。
This simple example usesDockerfilein your workspace to build image, attach thelatesttag and push to docker default registry (docker.io). Repository name is your GitHub repository name by default. -uses:jerray/publish-docker-action@masterwith:username:${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}password:${{ ...
docker push # 提交镜像 docker images(或:docker image ls)# 查看镜像 docker run # 启动容器 docker prune # 删除不再使用的docker对象 docker inspect # 查看容器详情信息 docker build # 使用Dockerfile创建镜像 docker save # 导出镜像 docker load # 导入镜像 ...
$ docker buildx build -t TAG --annotation "foo=bar" --push . You can optionally add a type prefix to specify the level of the annotation. By default, the image manifest is annotated. The following example adds the foo=bar annotation the image index instead of the manifests: ...
This Action forDockeruses the Git branch as theDocker tagfor building and pushing the container. Hereby the master-branch is published as the latest-tag. Usage Example pipeline name:Publish Dockeron:[push]jobs:build:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps: -uses:actions/checkout@v3-name:Publish to Registry...
给新映像打tag docker tag myhttpd chengzh/httpd 推送映像到docker hub docker push chengzh/httpd 从http://hub.docker.com查看效果 当然了大家也可以在自己的环境里使用下列命令测测这个映像的效果 docker run -d --name myhttpd -p 80:80 chengzh\httpd ...