使用以下命令将容器重新构建并运行起来: docker-composeup--build-d 1. 使用docker-compose up命令将会根据 Docker Compose 文件重新构建并启动容器。--build参数表示需要重新构建镜像。 3.2. 检查容器运行日志 可以使用以下命令查看容器的运行日志: dockerlogs<container_id> 1. 其中,<container_id>是容器的 ID,可以...
When I run dock-compose up. it silently exits with 139. Using verbose I was able to get the following which is still not very helpful as far as I can see: docker-compose --verbose start cloudera compose.config.config.find: Using configuration files: ./docker-compose.yml docker.utils....
I have error exited with code 139 /always stopping my service any idea pls…thanks PS C:\Users\sso\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\MyProject> docker-compose up tokenserver mssqldata is up-to-date Creating tokena…
Hi all I am facing issues trying to run docker-compose up -d I tried from the following branches versions : master and release/10.0.x Error: redash_server_1 exited with code 139 I tried from ubuntu 20.04, Mac BigSur, and windows 10. Does...
Steps to reproduce the issue start container by 'docker-compose' with command 'dotnet /data/app/ChangeCore.dll' Actual behavior Can't start, exited with code 139. Error Logs: Unhandled Exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Acces...
环境:docker (docker-compose) + Ubuntu + ···(其他的不重要) 问题:运行docker-compose up后,Ubuntu镜像构建成功,但是又马上退出并显示exited with code 0 原因:docker容器执行任务完成后就会处于exited状态 解决: 1. 在 yml 文件的 Ubuntu镜像参数中加上stdin_open: true | tty: true这两行参数,代码如下(...
The workaround for this is to disable Compose Bridge in the Experimental settings tab, apply the change with Apply & restart, then re-enable and select Apply & restart again. There is a known issue when authenticating against a registry in the Docker CLI (docker login [registry address]) ...
docker-compose down <container-id> Note:sometimesdocker stopcan also result in exit code 137. This typically happens if the application tied to the container doesn’t handle SIGTERM — the docker daemon waits ten seconds then issues SIGKILL ...
$docker compose ps --format json[{"ID":"1553b0236cf4d2715845f053a4ee97042c4f9a2ef655731ee34f1f7940eaa41a","Name":"example-bar-1","Command":"/docker-entrypoint.sh nginx -g 'daemon off;'","Project":"example","Service":"bar","State":"exited","Health":"","ExitCode":0,"Publishers...