这是你容器里跑的程序的exited code,和docker没关系。具体看你容器里的程序。
Shows that the container exited with code 139 mysql:5.6.24 "/entrypoint.sh mysq…" 13 seconds ago Exited (139) 12 seconds ago some-mysql And i can't have a single line of logs: the return of the docker logs command is empty... ...
root@test11#docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 7b606d820b89 android "/anbox-init.sh" 15 hours ago Exited (139) 15 hours ago condescending_jackson root@test11:/home# docker logs 7b606d820b89 root@test11:/home#
@neliodv @EALR The exit code 139 indicates the issue with system more than the docker image. Are you getting same issue with any other images as well? Try updating docker version this might resolve the issue. Cheers!Was your question answered? Make sure to mark the answer as the ...
I can extract other barcodes/qrcodes just fine. However, they are not necessarily urls. In the error case, the barcode to extract is a link. When running the same flask server inside a docker container, the containerexits with 139and printsdouble free or corruption (out). Interesting is ...
I have error exited with code 139 /always stopping my service any idea pls…thanks PS C:\Users\sso\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\MyProject> docker-compose up tokenserver mssqldata is up-to-date Creating tokena…
centos 启动一个容器添加了-d 参数,但是docker ps 找不到容器,docker ps -a查看却已经退出了 [...
Exit Code 139: Indicates failure as container received SIGSEGV This indicates that container received SIGSEGV SIGSEGV indicates a segmentation fault. This occurs when a program attempts to access amemorylocation that it’s not allowed to access, or attempts to access a memory location in a way tha...
Exit code 139表示Segmentation fault 拷贝core dump到本地 docker cp core-dump-demo:/tmp ./ 生成的core dump文件名为 core.core-dump-demo.1.1571388434 8. 分析core dump gdbcore-dump-democore.core-dump-demo.1.1571388434 很明显可以看出crash的原因是main.cpp第14行的代码导致的,打印指针p的地址发现是0...
wait Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes 1、docker start/stop/restart/kill 启动/停止/重启/杀掉容器 实例操作如下: [root@docker ~]# docker start myweb [root@docker ~]# docker stop myweb [root@docker ~]# docker restart myweb ...