exit code 139的含义: 在Docker中,退出码(exit code)139通常表示容器内的进程由于段错误(segmentation fault)而异常终止。段错误是一种常见的程序错误,发生在程序试图访问其内存空间中不允许访问的内存区域时。 可能导致Docker容器退出并返回139的原因: 程序错误:容器内运行的程序可能包含bug,导致非法内存访问。 资源...
使用DockerDesktop启动一个镜像以后,发现直接EXITED(139) 这时候用docker log containerId也获取不到任何日志 问题缘由 找了比较多的资料哈,Centos6下对Docker支持确实是有些问题,反过来Docker下面部署Centos 6环境的镜像也会导致一些问题 我找到的资料目前账主要是libc的版本低于2.14会导致出现exit 139的这样一个问题, ...
这是你容器里跑的程序的exited code,和docker没关系。具体看你容器里的程序。
@neliodv @EALR The exit code 139 indicates the issue with system more than the docker image. Are you getting same issue with any other images as well? Try updating docker version this might resolve the issue. Cheers!Was your question answered? Make sure to mark the answer as the ...
Segmentation fault (exit code 139?) when running a container Docker Engine General xyuri (Xyuri) June 5, 2019, 8:08am 1 I’m trying to run a mariadb container: $ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint sh mariadb:5.5.59 # bash Segmentation fault (core dumped) # cat /etc/issue Debian...
I can extract other barcodes/qrcodes just fine. However, they are not necessarily urls. In the error case, the barcode to extract is a link. When running the same flask server inside a docker container, the containerexits with 139and printsdouble free or corruption (out). Interesting is ...
(exitCode=139, image=mongo:3.4, name=gallant_goldberg) 2018-02-07T15:39:22.295546771Z network disconnect 66b1fc31a8cce97b89a8084f243446a39b1705b4e307b1a3c08b35c8a18dfdea (container=f1fc829f81ef1eaddd37a57b2dc3f47214001120e3d16c0fd2e321c958ad7ce5, name=bridge, type=bridge) 2018-02-07...
= 退出代码 139:由于容器收到 SIGSEGV 信号而失败 退出代码 143:由于容器收到 SIGTERM 信号而失败 网上对137的解释:一般为pod容器内存达到资源限制(resources.limits)或者宿主机本身内存不够了。 我们知道,oom被kill是可以在系统日志里看到的: ubuntu 的系统日志在/var/log/syslog,centos 的系统日志在/var/log/mes...
Exit Code 139: Indicates failure as container received SIGSEGV This indicates that container received SIGSEGV SIGSEGV indicates a segmentation fault. This occurs when a program attempts to access amemorylocation that it’s not allowed to access, or attempts to access a memory location in a way tha...