4. 更新Docker Desktop 有时,Docker Desktop exited 139的问题可能是由于Docker Desktop本身的bug导致的。可以尝试更新Docker Desktop到最新版本,看看问题是否得到解决。 示例代码 下面是一个简单的示例代码,演示了一个可能导致Docker Desktop exited 139错误的情况: FROMalpineRUNmkdir /appWORKDIR/appCOPYtest.sh .CMD[...
使用DockerDesktop启动一个镜像以后,发现直接EXITED(139) 这时候用docker log containerId也获取不到任何日志 问题缘由 找了比较多的资料哈,Centos6下对Docker支持确实是有些问题,反过来Docker下面部署Centos 6环境的镜像也会导致一些问题 我找到的资料目前账主要是libc的版本低于2.14会导致出现exit 139的这样一个问题, ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于docker exited139的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及docker exited139问答内容。更多docker exited139相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Fixed a bug where docker events exited with Unexpected EOF when Docker Desktop entered/exited Resource Saver mode. Fixed a bug where docker stats --no-stream hung when Docker Desktop was in Resource Saver mode. Fixed a bug in the self-diagnose CLI that incorrectly showed the VM had not star...
bash-4.2# ldd /usr/local/bin/fontforge ldd: exited with unknown exit code (139) Information macOS Version: 12.0.1 Monterey Docker Desktop Version: lasted version, 4.1.1 Steps to reproduce the behavior build image fontforge (install fontforge fromhttps://github.com/fontforge/fontforge.git) ...
1、容器可能会因为内存不足显示Exited (139)看到windows解决方案: [wsl2] kernelCommandLine = vsyscall=emulate 实际:我是用的centos7 [root@S11-43 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 8.5.2111 2、看到如果不了解正在运行的映像的更多信息,就不可能说出根本原因是什么。但是,Exited (139)...
求助docker d..请问各位大佬,安装完启动出现A wSL distro Docker Desktop relies on has exited unexpectedly.This usuallyhappens as a
Description After 10 minutes docker desktop dies, with the error: "Process has exited". It happened after i updated to the latest docker desktop version on WIN. Reproduce I can't reproduce it, it just dies after 10-15 minutes. Expected b...
Fixed a race condition when starting the WSL engine which caused Docker Desktop to incorrectly report that the containers have exited. Fixes docker/for-win#5607. Fixed an issue where editing code inside a container resulted in an error. Fixes docker/for-win#5528. Fixed a bug where running the...
如果不兼容旧版本,启动oracle容器会报Exited 139错误,解决方案如下: 1.在这个%userprofile%文件夹下创建一个.wslconfig文件 文件内容如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 [wsl2]kernelCommandLine=vsyscall=emulate 上面文件创建好之后 在cmd中执行wsl --shutdown ...