Unfortunately I am facing an error one of the container image not getting started, keep on exit with code 1 error. Please assist on this! $ docker-compose ps -a NAME IMAGE COMMAND SERVICE CREATED STATUS PORTS diet-recommendation-system-backend-1 backend:latest "uvicorn main:app --…" ...
I am new to Docker and i am not able to understand why my docker-compose keeps on crashing i have done the task of deleting the node_modules and have also tried force recreate option but the docker exits with a code 1. There is another thing to note this does not happen always, some...
在乌班图的服务器里面,在docker容器里面安装扩展,非执行dockerfile,然后执行步骤为 {代码...} 2.执行最后一步也出现了 {代码...} 3.网上说event插件需要最后安装,我也是最后安装的,但是永远都会出现这个问题,后面又在AI上面看到了这一步 {代码...} 加入后,还是一样的 {代码...} 这个需要怎么去解决呢参考过...
Docker主机启动Redis容器检查Redis配置文件修改端口映射检查资源限制 5. 示例甘特图 下面是一个示例甘特图,展示了解决 “Redis exited with code 1” 错误的时间安排:
Docker Compose是Docker官方编排(Orchestration)项目之一,负责快速在集群中部署分布式应用 Compose 通过一个配置文件来管理多个Docker容器,在配置文件中,所有的容器通过services来定义,然后使用docker-compose脚本来启动,停止和重启应用,和应用中的服务以及所有依赖服务的容器,非常适合组合使用多个容器进行开发的场景。
通过win10命令行在clone的swoft目录下执行docker-compose up 得到如下结果提示: Creating swoft_swoft_1 ... done Attaching to swoft_swoft_1 swoft_1 | Could not open input file: /var/www/swoft/bin/swoft swoft_swoft_1 exited with code 1 inhere added the question label Feb 25, 2019 Member inh...
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers <- (all=False, filters={u'label': [u'com.docker.compose.project=ngcracealongdocker', u'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']}) compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers -> (list with 0 items) ...
reverse-proxy | nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "server" in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:1 reverse-proxy exited with code 1 是因为conf配置文件编码类型为UTF-8-BOM编码,需要转化为UTF-8编码
环境:docker (docker-compose) + Ubuntu + ···(其他的不重要) 问题:运行docker-compose up后,Ubuntu镜像构建成功,但是又马上退出并显示exited with code 0 原因:docker容器执行任务完成后就会处于exited状态 解决: 1. 在 yml 文件的 Ubuntu镜像参数中加上stdin_open: true | tty: true这两行参数,代码如下(...
FROM python:3.6-alpine ADD . /code WORKDIR /code RUN pip install -r requirements.txt CMD ["python","app.py"] composetest_web_1 exited with code 0 原因:合理猜测你也是看了狂神的视频,但是只改了Dockerfile,没有改app.py 解决:修改app.py如上一步 ...