此外,DO-178C的生命周期模型确保了软件开发的每个阶段都与适航性和安全性紧密相关,从而使得整个开发过程透明且可追踪。 4.1 DO-178C的软件生命周期结构 DO-178C的软件生命周期结构可以概括为以下几个核心阶段:软件计划过程、软件开发过程、软件验证过程、软件配置管理过程和软件质量保证过程。每个过程都规定了不同的目...
适航审查完成后,开发团队需要提供适航认证交付包(Certification Data Package, CDP),其中包含所有与软件开发、验证和审查相关的文档和数据。这些数据将作为未来适航审查和问题排查的依据。 交付包内容:适航认证交付包通常包括开发计划、需求文档、设计文档、代码、测试报告、验证结果、问题跟踪报告、工具鉴定报告、配置管理记...
DO-178C, also known as the Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, is a rigorous guideline developed by the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) to ensure the safety and reliability of software used in airborne systems. As aviation technology continues to...
DO-178C, also known as Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, is a widely recognized standard for the certification of software used in airborne systems. Developed by the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA), DO-178C provides guidelines and objectives for...
When should I start DO-178B compliance testing on my code? ANSWER Don't start testing until your product is completely debugged, tested and ready to release. Testing must be done to the entire product as a whole. If you happen to uncover a bug during certification testing, and have to ...
DO-178B标准是由美国的航空无线电技术委员会(RTCA)所提出的一个航空工业的软件标准,标准名为“Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification”。它的第一个正式版本是RTCA于1982年发布的,到1992年,经过多个行业联合的综合性更新发布了DO-178B(欧洲认可为ED-12B)。该标准也就是当前我国在...
RTCA/DO-178C(Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification)提出了对机载软件结构的测试覆盖目标要求,其中包括数据耦合(DC)和控制耦合(CC)的测试覆盖,本文基于工程经验浅谈对耦合分析的理解和认识。 DO-178C表A-7中的目标8:对A、B和C级软件要求达到了软件结构(数据耦合和控制耦合)的测...
然而写一个200多页的软件合格审定计划(Plan for Software Aspects of Certification,PSAC)是没有必要的,通常30到40页就足够了。系统、架构和软件概述必须包含在PSAC中。系统描述很重要,因为软件不能脱离于系统进行符合性验证。另外PSAC中还要明确软件架构、编程语言、处理器、分区、完整性检查等方面的内容。需要在PSAC...
(CAST) since the release of DO-178B provided information on specific topics of concern to certification authorities in order to harmonize approaches to compliance. These topics have had a greater scope than just Software concerns, and much of the content in CAST documents has been implemented in...
DO-178C对软件定义了A、B、C、D、E五个等级,是通过安全性分析过程确定的,通常在初步系统安全性评估文件(Preliminary System SafetyAssessment, PSSA)里对软件的等级进行说明,这一等级确立的过程和理由要在软件合格审定计划(Plan for Software Aspects of Certification, PSAC)中概述。