由于派生需求对系统功能有直接影响,DO-178C要求对这些需求进行充分的验证和确认,以确保它们不会引入新的安全风险。 工具鉴定(Tool Qualification):工具鉴定是指在开发和验证过程中使用的自动化工具被证明能够有效支持安全性和可靠性要求的过程。对于关键任务系统,DO-178C要求对这些工具进行严格的鉴定,确保工具不会引入额...
Qualification Kit provides tool qualification plans, tool operational requirements documents, test cases and procedures, as well as references for soundness of formal methods techniques, where applicable. This kit is licensed separately from the tools being qualified ...
or when using processor-in-the-loop on a target board. Two reports are provided by the tools: A test results report with pass/fail assessment and a code coverage report. The DO Qualification Kit provides the necessary artifacts to qualify the gener...
对于工具鉴定的章节,建议列出所有使用的工具,并列出工具的功能和用途,然后评估这些工具是DO-178C的准则几(3类工具),再按照DO-178C得出工具是否需要鉴定的结论,最后阐明工具鉴定计划。对于开发工具的鉴定,编制独立的工具鉴定计划(Tool Qualification Plan,TQP),具体工具鉴定过程参见RTCA/DO-330。 PSAC的编制指导见DO-1...
主要特性与优势 Qualified target integration service describes the integration of RVS tools into a development environment. Tool qualification kits contain suitable evidence to describe an RVS tool for qualification purposes. Proven track record of successful DO-178C DAL qualifications ...
For example, the software tool qualification has been deleted in the main DO-178C and has been replaced with Section DO-330. In addition to DO-330, the other criteria are: DO-331 - model-based development and verification DO-332 - object-oriented technology and related techniques DO-333 -...
DO-330 Software Tool Qualification DO-331 Model-Based Development and Verification DO-332 Object-Oriented Technology DO-333 Formal Methods Supplement “ConsuNova’s highly competent engineers have proved to be an invaluable resource on our way to DO-178C/254 compliance. “ ...
To take credit for the use of these tools, they must be qualified under the guidance of DO-330 Software Tool Qualification Considerations. The DO Qualification Kit provides the necessary documentation and testing artifacts to perform tool qualificati...
DO-178B was initially published in 1992 and was later superseded by DO178C in 2011, which includes an additional standard, DO-330 Software Tool Qualification Considerations. The DO-178 standards require that all airborne software be assigned a Design Assurance Level (DAL) based on the potential...
欢迎访问以下地址参加免费的在线研讨会,了解 DO Qualification Kit 如何支持完整的软件开发和验证生命周期:使用 Tool Qualification Kit 为 DO-178 进行基于模型的设计。 上市时间 DO Qualification Kit R2012b 即将上市。