费伦神系 弱等神力 别称:痛苦少女 Maiden of Pain,意志之鞭 the Willing Whip 圣徽: 以骨头为握柄的九尾鞭 居住界域:毁灭与绝望之荒原 The Barrens of Doom and Despair 阵营:守序邪恶 LE 神职:疼痛 pain,伤害hurt,苦痛agony,折磨torment,苦难suffering,酷刑torture 信徒:欺骗者,执行酷刑之人,邪恶的战士,堕落...
Unlike normal grappling, however, a whip grappler cannot attack with the whip while they are grappling a target, so they sacrifice damage for utility, unless they choose to attack with whatever they are holding in their free hand. This means that if they want to attack a grappled targ...
木棒club,弩crossbow,匕首dagger,飞镖dart,连枷flail,小刀knife,网net,木棍staff,镰刀sickle,投索sling,投物棒staff-sling,鞭子whip防具ARMOR:衬甲Padded,皮甲leather,兽皮甲hide,或镶嵌皮甲or studded leather;无盾牌no shield主修领域
So, if you have War Caster, and you have a whip that you can use as a spellcasting focus, would that let you use Eldritch Blast on anyone who provokes an opportunity attack within 10 feet? As far as I can tell, the real question is whether "spell using the ...
自性鞭击EgoWhip,A:造成1d4魅力伤害并晕眩1轮。 精灵视觉Elfsight:获得昏暗视觉,搜索与侦察检定+2,自动察觉秘门。 特定能量适应EnergyAdaptation,Specified,A:获得任意一种能量抗力10。 能量冲撞EnergyPush,A:对目标造成2d6伤害的同时将其震退。 能量震慑EnergyStun,A:对目标造成1D6伤害并将其震慑,只要目标两次豁免...
鞭击Whip。近战武器攻击:命中+14,触及30尺,单一目标。伤害:15(2d6+8)的挥砍伤害,外加10(2d6)的火焰伤害。被命中的目标必须进行一次DC 20的力量鉴定,豁免失败则向巴洛炎魔所在方向拉近25尺。传送Teleport。巴洛炎魔与身上着装和携带的所有装备一起,用魔法传送至120尺内的一处未被占据的空间。 来自Android客户端10...
While there are a ton of Paizo Face Card options out there, the Friends & Foes deck is easily one of the top. Featuring a ton of unique characters, you can use these to whip up a new NPC on the fly or get inspiration for fleshing out an existing NPCs. With great art and inspired...
因此,虽然她本身极为厌恶那些与她的哲学 理念相左的法术和魔法物品,但是除非它们会直接对魔法网络和魔法本身产生威胁,否则她也不会阻止这 些法术以及魔法物品的研发与制造。蜜丝特拉的形象是一位拥有水嫩透光肌肤与流泻黑色长发的美丽人类 女子。 蜜丝特拉的教会在费伦各地都深具影响力且信徒众多。不过, 假如有更多的...
因此,虽然她本身极为厌恶那些与她的哲学 理念相左的法术和魔法物品,但是除非它们会直接对魔法网络和魔法本身产生威胁,否则她也不会阻止这 些法术以及魔法物品的研发与制造。蜜丝特拉的形象是一位拥有水嫩透光肌肤与流泻黑色长发的美丽人类 女子。 蜜丝特拉的教会在费伦各地都深具影响力且信徒众多。不过, 假如有更多的...