伊尔马特是一位心地善良、温顺、 静谧、平和的神祇,祂自愿为整个饱受痛苦的世界承担磨难。不过,虽 然哭泣之神的个性非常温和,但祂发怒之时也会展现出极为凶暴残酷的一面。祂极为关心世上所有的孩童 与年轻生命,并打击那些胆敢伤害祂保护对象的存在。祂的形象是一位全身满布伤痕的男子, 这些纵横交 错的可怕伤口...
伊尔马特是一位心地善良、温顺、 静谧、平和的神祇,祂自愿为整个饱受痛苦的世界承担磨难。不过,虽 然哭泣之神的个性非常温和,但祂发怒之时也会展现出极为凶暴残酷的一面。祂极为关心世上所有的孩童 与年轻生命,并打击那些胆敢伤害祂保护对象的存在。祂的形象是一位全身满布伤痕的男子, 这些纵横交 错的可怕伤口...
Spell Sniper allows you to learn a cantrip from another class. The Druid’s Thorn Whip will allow you to pull an enemy 15 feet without needing to expend a spell slot. In principle, you could pull an enemy through a dangerous area, and then push them back into it on the same turn. ...
Thorn Whip 5E, found on page 282 of the Player’s... Share: Reading time: 4 min Spells List Chromatic Orb 5E October 9, 2021 by Billy No Comments Chromatic Orb 5E, found on page 221 of the Player’s... Share: Reading time: 5 min DMs & Players Guide to Everything Bladesi...
Thorn Whip (Open in new window) 0 Transmutation 1 Action No No Players Handbook Thunder Step (Open in new window) 3 Conjuration 1 Action No No Xanathars Guide To Everything Thunderclap (Open in new window) 0 Evocation 1 Action No No Elemental Evil Thunderous Smite (Open in new window) ...
The archers, axe swingers, and blade swingers of Dungeons & Dragons have often received the short end of the stick when it comes to combat options, at least when compared to the spellcasters in the game. The tyranny of magic users is finally ending, as the latest Unearthed Arcana for D&D...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
One with the Blade人剑合一第6级起,你能将“气”灌注到剑圣武器之中,这为你带来以下好处:剑气。
what this lacks in power compared with Primal Savagery, it makes up for with battlefield control. Thorn Whip’s signature effect is pulling a larger or smaller creature 10 feet towards you, but it still dishes out some damage too: 1d6 to start with, then 2d6 at level five, 3d6 at leve...