别称:烈焰之王The Lord of Flame、火之王Firelord 圣徽: 交缠的烈焰 居住界域:火元素界Elemental Plane of Fire 阵营:绝对中立N 神职:火元素Elemental Fire,以火净化purification through fire 信徒:德鲁依,元素使者,火系生物,塞尔地区 牧师阵营:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,守序邪恶...
别称:烈焰之王The Lord of Flame、火之王Firelord 圣徽: 交缠的烈焰 居住界域:火元素界Elemental Plane of Fire 阵营:绝对中立N 神职:火元素Elemental Fire,以火净化purification through fire 信徒:德鲁依,元素使者,火系生物,塞尔地区 牧师阵营:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,守序邪恶...
The other choices are largely to support this playstyle. Empowered Spell boosts the damage of many key spells. Quicken Spell lets you create a danger area and quicken Thorn Whip to pull another enemy in. Wild magic provides advantage whenever you’ve set something up you really want to work...
While there are a ton of Paizo Face Card options out there, the Friends & Foes deck is easily one of the top. Featuring a ton of unique characters, you can use these to whip up a new NPC on the fly or get inspiration for fleshing out an existing NPCs. With great art and inspired...
Thorn Whip (Open in new window) 0 Transmutation 1 Action No No Players Handbook Thunder Step (Open in new window) 3 Conjuration 1 Action No No Xanathars Guide To Everything Thunderclap (Open in new window) 0 Evocation 1 Action No No Elemental Evil Thunderous Smite (Open in new window) ...
Feats are the best way to customize your DnD 5e character and make it unique. Learn more about how to add feats to your character and which feats are best.
what this lacks in power compared with Primal Savagery, it makes up for with battlefield control. Thorn Whip’s signature effect is pulling a larger or smaller creature 10 feet towards you, but it still dishes out some damage too: 1d6 to start with, then 2d6 at level five, 3d6 at leve...
火蛇利牙Fangs of the Fire Snake。你在自己回合内执行攻击动作时,可以消耗1点气使得火焰触须从四肢...
需要注意的是,该法术不能防止区域攻击(火球术fireball、冰风暴ice storm 等)。被该法术保护的受术者无法在不破坏法术的情况下进行直接攻击,但他可以施展那些非直接攻击的法术,又或者在不攻击的前提下以任何的其他方式行事。举例而言,这使得祭司能够治疗伤势或祝福,进行占卜,在某区域(但不是在敌人身上!)施展 光亮...