武器有简易武器simple和军用武器martial两大类别,大多数人都可能具备简易武器的熟练项。简易武器指短棒、硬头锤和其它在普通人手上常见的武器。军用武器则包括剑、斧和长柄武器等,需要特殊训练才能有效使用的武器。大多数武士会选使军用武器,以便于发挥自身的战斗风格以及充分发挥其专业训练的成果。 拥有相应武器熟练项...
Weapon and Armor Proficiency [Omission]The “Weapon and Armor Proficiency” Class feature for duskblades should state: “Duskblades are proficient with all simple and martial weapons.”Page 19 – Duskblade Class Features:Spells [Substitution]The first paragraph of the “Spells” class feature should...
All simple and martial weapons have mastery properties, which can only be used by a character who has Weapon Mastery with that weapon.There are eight mastery properties in the DnD 2024 Player’s Handbook, which may trigger when you attack, hit, or miss with the weapon Cleave Once per turn,...
has more lenient spiritual oaths than most deities that druids worship in the Realms. Druids of ...
- **简单武器 (Simple Weapons)**:如棍棒、匕首、长剑等,易于学习和使用。 - **军用武器 (Martial Weapons)**:如长弓、战斧、长剑等,需要训练才能有效使用。 - **特殊武器**:某些职业特有的武器,如圣武士的圣剑。 每种武器都有其特定的伤害类型(如钝击、穿刺或斩击)和范围(近战或远程)。
简易、军用和奇特武器(Simple、Martial、Exotic Weapons):除了德鲁伊、武僧、盗贼和法师以 外的职业,都擅长所有简易武器。野蛮人、战士、圣武士和游侠不仅擅长所有简易武器,也擅长所有 军用武器。其他职业主要擅长简易武器,但也可能擅长军用或奇特武器。如果使用不擅长的武器,你 的攻击检定会有-4 减值。 近战和远程武器...
(a) a martial weapon and shield or (b) two martial weapons (a) five javelins or (b) any simple melee weapon (a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack Chain mail and a holy symbol Our advice:Unless you’re planning to roleplay regular holy rituals, the 10 days of rations...
(a) a martial weapon or (b) two simple weapons (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) hand crossbow and 20 bolts (a) studded leather armor or (b) scale mail armor an explorer's pack and alchemist's supplies Hunter's Bane At 1st level, you have survived the Hunter’s Bane—...
简易、军用和奇特武器(Simple、Martial、ExoticWeapons):除了德鲁伊、武僧、盗贼和法师以外的职业,都擅长所有 简易武器。野蛮人、战士、圣武士和游侠不仅擅长所有简易武器,也擅长所有军用武器。其他职业主要擅长简易武器,但也 可能擅长军用或奇特武器。如果使用不擅长的武器,你的攻击检定会有-4 减值。 近战和远程武器(...
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons Tools: None Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted...