Weapon Specialization: Ranged Weapons, Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Zen Archery Brutal Throw被动如果你的力量更高,可以通过这个专长来使用你的力量调整值而不是敏捷调整来确定投掷武器的伤害。 Strength13 Base Attack Bonus+1 Point Blank Shot被动15米之内+1远程射击命中骰,伤害+1[W]。当你使用长弓或者短弓...
Pirates also excel at keeping up with said enemies via heightened speed on ships and using bonus actions to negate enemies’ disengage actions Pirate Details:https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Pirate_(5e_Class) 5. Witch Black cats are optional. [Art by Jordan Jardine] Much like the shaman, but...
Better-looking chat rolls, helpful character sheet buttons, some custom fields for special weapons, etc. If not for Midi QoL, this would be one of my favorite modules. Why retired: Although it was a close call, I felt as though Midi QoL had a more robust system that fit my needs ...
Thri-Kreen Warforged Campaign Settings Forum Adding 4e Content Maintenance Templates on FANDOM in:Weapons,Melee weapons,One-handed weapons, and3 more Simple weapons Light blades Off-hand weapons Sickle Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Advertisement...
吞咽下由此产生的培养基的人,如果在-4惩罚的对抗毒素豁免检定中失败,将被变形为奴仆蛇人。若在豁免检定中成功,受害者将立即陷入昏迷;除非被延缓毒发slow poison或中和毒性neutralize poison法术恢复,否则受害者在随后的1小时内死亡。在豁免失败后,以中和毒性、驱散魔法dispel magic、移除诅咒remove curse、以及治疗术...
名讳Name 绰号/头衔Sobriquet/Title 状态Status 备注Notes 丹德尔Dendar暗夜巨蛇The Night Serpent 被囚禁Imprisoned艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球的一条上古邪物;宿命将毁灭世界An Elder Evil of Abeir-Toril; fated to destroy the world 乌塔欧Ubtao骗子The Deceiver 神祇Deity 在艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球看守被囚禁的丹德尔的荒神;被...
塞伦涅Selûne 被认为是诸神中最古老的一员。大部分费伦人把天空中的月亮视作俯瞰着世界的女神,而月亮之后拖曳的光尘是她的眼泪。除了是母性与生殖期之女神外,她也是群星与导航的女神。她被视为一位平静的神力,除了混杂的其它各色人等(航海家和水手、那些在夜间诚实工作的人、那些在黑暗中寻求的保护的人、迷途...