智力Intelligence,感知Wisdom阵营ALIGNMENT:守序善良LG,中立善良NG武器WEAPONS:任意Any防具ARMOR:任意Any主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,动物animal,魅惑charm,战斗combat,创造creation,元素elemental(土earth),守卫guardian,治疗healing,死灵necromantic,保护protection,结界wards次要领域MINOR SPHERES:预言...
1st Minor Illusion 5e 3rd Disguise Self 5th Invisibility 5e Levistus Tiefling Levistus is the archdevil in charge of the cold frozen sea hell, Stygia. He’s also trapped in an iceberg. Levistus Tieflings get +2 Charisma and +1 Constitution, and can access the following cold-themed spells:...
9 Can a "real" illusion be seen through? 20 How would something passing through an illusion of fog or mist reveal it to be illusory? 7 Do sounds created by Minor Illusion have to have a single fixed origin point? 39 Can I create an upright 7-foot × 5-foot wall with the Minor...
As a Forest Gnome, you can know the Minor Illusion cantrip instantly, allowing you to pick other cantrips when building your character. Half-Elf Half-Elves get a +2 to Charisma and +1 to two other skills. As a Wizard, these should be Intelligence and Constitution. This will raise your...
Tier 2: Upon unlocking this tier, the wielder gains the ability to cast Minor Illusion as a cantrip. Tier 3: Upon unlocking this final tier, the wielder gains the ability to use Disintigrate as a 6th level spell once per long rest. Bloodwake (Rapier) History: This blade was used in...
·德维尼恩Rellavar Danuvien 冰元素魔法Elemental Ice magic 深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas 水元素魔法(仅海精灵)Elemental Water magic (sea elves only) 莎罕妮·月弓Sehahine Moonbow 幻术/幻象Illusion/Phantasm,转化Alteration 塔斯林·瓦拉迪Tethrin Varalde “战斗”魔法(祈唤/塑能)“Battle” magic (Invocation...
This makes Shadow Touched an amazing feat for druids, clerics, paladins, and rangers who want to pick up invisibility, another spell from the Illusion or Necromancy schools, and still pump their spellcasting ability. An interesting concept explored in the Shadow Touched and Fey Touched feats is...
they are somewhere else, sneak through, or lock them in a room. You can have your cake AND eat it too! but can be easily replaced by cantrips. Your XP: 0; Rank: Nooblet; Sign in to level up now. At 2nd level, you learn the cantrip minor illusion if you already have the ...
龙与地下城 Wiki 在首次呈现为蛇类形态和恢复原型时,施法者将治愈所遭受全部伤害的1d6X10%(小数点清零)。(祭司不会在他们每次呈现为新蛇类形态时被治疗,只有在第一次时会如此。) Upon first assuming a snake form and upon returning to their original forms, the casters heal 1d6x10% of all damage they...
Minor transgressions can usually be corrected by an act of penance, such as fasting, meditation, the gift of a minor amount of money to the order, or an offering of another type preferred by the power. 疏于举行适当的仪式、或是未能为实现神祇的目标而努力,都是中度罪过的例子。这类罪过将遭受...