Do sounds created by Minor Illusion have to have a single fixed origin point? 39 Can I create an upright 7-foot × 5-foot wall with the Minor Illusion spell? 5 If an arrow passes through an illusionary wall of fire created by the Major Image spell, does it reveal it as an illusion?
According to the text for Minor Illusion, If a creature uses its action to examine the sound or image, the creature can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the...
❖在第5级,精类守护人在对抗毒素时获得+2奖励,在对抗蜘蛛毒时自动成功。 ❖在第7级,每日1次,精类守护人能施展 弃逐术abjure(如同4级祭司法术) 弱效造物术minor creation(如同4级法师法术)。 ❖在第10级,每日1次,精类守护人能施展 附魔武器enchanted weapon(如同4级法师法术)或 强效造物术minor creati...
防御等级-2; 移动 15; 生命值 148, 零级命中值 8; #攻击 1次 伤害1d8+5 到 1d8+8( +4 到 +7歌之剑Sword of Songs 重剑,单手持握,+1力量) 魔抗60%; 体型 中型M(6英尺)或 大型L(10英尺) 力量16, 敏捷 22, 体质 18, 智力 24, 感知 16, 魅力 23 法术祭司P:8/8/6/5/3/2/1,法师W:...
Minor Illusion (Open in new window) 0 Illusion 1 Action No No Players Handbook Mirage Arcane (Open in new window) 7 Illusion 10 Minutes No No Players Handbook Mirror Image (Open in new window) 2 Illusion 1 Action No No Players Handbook Mislead (Open in new window) 5 Illusion 1 Action ...
Minor Illusion0Illusion1 ActionNoNoPlayers Handbook Mirror Image2Illusion1 ActionNoNoPlayers Handbook Misty Step2Conjuration1 Bonus ActionNoNoPlayers Handbook Negative Energy Flood5Necromancy1 ActionNoNoXanathars Guide To Everything Plane Shift7Conjuration1 ActionNoNoPlayers Handbook ...
从第2 级你选择该学派起,你习得戏法次级幻影 minor illusion。如果你已学会此戏法,则你可以学习另一个自选的法师戏法。该戏法不计入你的已知戏法数目限制。 你施展戏法次级幻影时,可以在一次施法中同时创造出声音和影像。 精通技能 易变幻象 第6 级起,你施展持续时间不少于 1 分钟的幻术系法术时,可以用你的动作...
they are somewhere else, sneak through, or lock them in a room. You can have your cake AND eat it too! but can be easily replaced by cantrips. Your XP: 0; Rank: Nooblet; Sign in to level up now. At 2nd level, you learn the cantrip minor illusion if you already have the ...
你学会戏法次级幻影 古 Ku、偷儿 Nim、单鞋 Oneshoe、麻子 Pock、闪光宝石 minor illusion 。其相应的施法关健属性为智力。 Sparklegem、跛鸭Stumbleduck 小型野兽交谈 Speak with Small Beasts 。你可以通过声 音和手势与小型或更小的野兽进行简单沟通。森林侏儒喜爱 侏儒特质 Gnome Traits 动物,且经常喂养松鼠、...