If you were in a windowless room with one torch, and you created the illusion of a box around the torch, people couldn't directly see the brightness of the torch, but they could see the fact that the room was still lit by torchlight, and even (with a suitable investigation check) figu...
The illusion also ends if you dismiss it as an action or cast this spell again. The spell description of minor illusion does not allow you to have two minor illusions going at once, as the first one ends if you cast it again. Your observations are correct: Illusionist's bracer...
Minor Illusion (Open in new window) 0 Illusion 1 Action No No Players Handbook Mirage Arcane (Open in new window) 7 Illusion 10 Minutes No No Players Handbook Mirror Image (Open in new window) 2 Illusion 1 Action No No Players Handbook Mislead (Open in new window) 5 Illusion 1 Action ...
5E法术列表 0Acid Splash 酸液飞溅咒法1个动作60尺 1A larm 警报术防护1分钟30尺 2A lter Self 变⾝术变化1个动作⾃⾝ 5A nimate Object 活化物品变化1个动作120尺 3A nimate Undead 操纵死⼫死灵1分钟10尺 8Antimagic Field 反魔场防护1个动作⾃⾝(10尺半径)8Antipathy/Sympathy 嫌恶/关怀术...
次级幻术(Minor Illusion):创造一个小型的、非实体的幻象。 一环法术 化兽为友(Animal Friendship):与一个动物建立深厚的友谊。 灾祸术(Bane):使一个敌人的能力值暂时下降。 魅惑人类(Charm Person):尝试魅惑一个人类生物。 七彩喷射(Color Spray):向敌人喷射出一束色彩,使他们目眩神迷。 命令术(Command):强迫...
你学会戏法次级幻影 古 Ku、偷儿 Nim、单鞋 Oneshoe、麻子 Pock、闪光宝石 minor illusion 。其相应的施法关健属性为智力。 Sparklegem、跛鸭Stumbleduck 小型野兽交谈 Speak with Small Beasts 。你可以通过声 音和手势与小型或更小的野兽进行简单沟通。森林侏儒喜爱 侏儒特质 Gnome Traits 动物,且经常喂养松鼠、...
they are somewhere else, sneak through, or lock them in a room. You can have your cake AND eat it too! but can be easily replaced by cantrips. Your XP: 0; Rank: Nooblet; Sign in to level up now. At 2nd level, you learn the cantrip minor illusion if you already have the ...
次级幻影minor illusion ,则你将获得该戏法。暗影步Shadow Step 第6级起,你获得在阴影中漫步的能力...
次级幻影minor illusion ,则你将获得该戏法。暗影步Shadow Step 第6级起,你获得在阴影中漫步的能力...
Minor Illusion0Illusion1 ActionNoNoPlayers Handbook Mirror Image2Illusion1 ActionNoNoPlayers Handbook Misty Step2Conjuration1 Bonus ActionNoNoPlayers Handbook Negative Energy Flood5Necromancy1 ActionNoNoXanathars Guide To Everything Plane Shift7Conjuration1 ActionNoNoPlayers Handbook ...