当全队受到严重伤害时,最好的办法是在八级法术法术启动Spell Trigger中放三个集体治疗(法/牧)。最后...
(万法大全)专注术(Aiming at the Target):之前施展的法术专注检定+10 (万法大全)魔匕护身(Daggerspell Stance):你在全回合攻击时攻击掷骰和伤害掷骰获得+2洞察加值,防御式战斗时获得5+施法者等级的SR,全防御时获得5/魔法的DR。 (万法大全)闪耀之鳞(Scintillating Scales):你的天生防御加值变为偏斜加值。 咒...
1环(4法术位):侦测魔法detect magic,大步奔行,法师护甲mage armor*,魔法飞弹magic missile2环(3法术位):侦测思想detect thoughts,镜影术mirror image,迷踪步misty step3环(3法术位):法术反制counterspell,飞行术fly,守卫刻文4环(3法术位):放逐术banishment,火焰护盾fire shield,石肤术stoneskin*5环(3法术位):...
Exploration:Spells can also be used during exploration to detect traps or hidden objects, or to create pathways through obstacles. For example, a ranger might cast a detect magic spell to locate a hidden treasure, while a druid might cast a plant growth spell to create a path through a dens...
卡牌魔法Card Magic你的魔法来自于你的卡牌,它可以是特殊处理的木片,牛皮纸,或是其他压制平整的材料,上面带有专注并释放魔法能量所需的奥术纹路。 戏法在第一级时,你习得了戏法飞牌Card Throw以及另外两个来自卡牌大师法术列表的戏法。你会在你升级时可以选择更多的列表中的戏法。 卡牌收集在第一级时,你拥有你选择的...
❖亮煤可以施展来自幻术/幻象学派的法师法术,如“附录 1:亚人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests”受限的法师施法Limited Wizard Spellcasting条目的详述。 ❖每日1次,亮煤能施展 嘲讽术taunt(如同1级法师法术)或 信使术messenger(如同2级祭司法术)或 腹语术ventriloquism(如同1级法师法术)。
Counterspell (Open in new window) 3 Abjuration Special No No Players Handbook Create Bonfire (Open in new window) 0 Conjuration 1 Action No Yes Elemental Evil Create Food and Water (Open in new window) 3 Conjuration 1 Action No No Players Handbook Create Homunculus (Open in new window) 6...
Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d4 acid damage immediately and 2d4 acid damage at the end of its next turn. On a miss, the arrow splashes the target with acid for half as much of the initial damage and no damage at the end of its next...
契约魔法Pact Magic 你的法术力量源于你的奥秘研究和宗主的魔法馈赠。参考第10章的施法规则,以及第11章的邪术师法术列表。 戏法Cantrips 你从邪术师法术列表中选择两个戏法作为已知法术。在获得更高的邪术师等级后你还可以习得其它的戏法,具体数据见“邪术师职业表”中“已知戏法”一栏。 法术位Spell Slots “邪术师...
Spellguard Shield (Armor (shield)) Sphere of Annihilation (Wondrous item) Staff of Charming (Staff) Staff of Fire (Staff) Staff of Frost (Staff) Staff of Healing (Staff) Staff of Power (Staff) Staff of Striking (Staff) Staff of Swarming Insects (Staff) ...