Dungeons and Dragons known as DnD 5E is a tabletop roleplaying game. Here we are with all details including Races, Classes, Magic Spells, Dragons, Monsters and all
[安科] [DND][5E]伊莲娜想在艾伯伦铸就传奇(当前冒险:施特拉德的诅咒) 这边是导游,出于1.想过DND瘾,但不喜欢跑语音团,文字团太少又容易拖沓还容易鸽。2.喜欢艾伯伦世设,但艾伯伦团太少见了。3.想玩私设,但私设跑团本身就很麻烦,特别是滥强的私设、会增加很多作战单位的私设。4.想让自己喜欢的PC作为主角来...
getting information from a rescued prisoner, pleading for mercy from an orc chieftain, or persuading a talkative magic mirror to show a distant location to the adventurers.
Infuse Item is your core class feature. It allows you to create a selection of magic items and change them everylong rest 5e. The items that you can make starts out strong, and only gets better as you level. There are three popular schools of thought on how to use this feature, and ...
Here is a list of all the spells in the current DND 5E game. The best spells are arranged alphabetically, You or your enemies can use these spells in specific time.
the spells will bring on deciding the spell to Druid. This cannot use the downgrade by preparing the level spell to bring the cast the 1stlevel Barkstin from the preparation of the spell from the druid in 5e. The cast can prepare at the advanced level by infusing the casting the magic....
请再生成玫瑰公国鹰眼巡林客(木精灵)和玫瑰公国鹰身女妖,参照dnd怪物图鉴5e必应以下是我为你生成的玫瑰公国鹰眼巡林客(木精灵)和玫瑰公国鹰身女妖的模板:玫瑰公国鹰眼巡林客(木精灵)中型类人生物,中立善良护甲等级 15生命值 39 (6d10 + 6)速度35尺属性 数值 调整值 力量12 (+1) 敏捷18 (+4) 体质12 (+...
5E法术列表 0Acid Splash 酸液飞溅咒法1个动作60尺 1A larm 警报术防护1分钟30尺 2A lter Self 变⾝术变化1个动作⾃⾝ 5A nimate Object 活化物品变化1个动作120尺 3A nimate Undead 操纵死⼫死灵1分钟10尺 8Antimagic Field 反魔场防护1个动作⾃⾝(10尺半径)8Antipathy/Sympathy 嫌恶/关怀术...
Magic Missile (Open in new window) 1 Evocation 1 Action No No Players Handbook Magic Mouth (Ritual) (Open in new window) 2 Illusion 1 Minute Yes No Players Handbook Magic Stone (Open in new window) 0 Transmutation 1 Bonus Action No No Elemental Evil Magic Weapon (Open in new window) ...
Weak Magic Items for 5e - Great for when I want to be generous to my players, but not too generous ;) Miscellaneous Audacity - For trimming audio clips. Token Stamp - Easy-to-use token creator. I use Tokenizer now, but I'd argue the default borders are nicer on this site. r/dnd...