Dungeons and Dragons (D&D, DnD) Fifth Edition (5e) spells. A list of all the spells, spell index, create spellbooks, print them as cards or as a list
神职:魔法Magic,法术Spells,魔法网络the Weave 信徒:精灵,半精灵,咒术师,术士,咒火引导者,法师 牧师阵营:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,守序邪恶LE 神域:善良Good,幻象Illusion,知识Knowledge,魔法Magic,符文Rune,法术Spell 喜好武器:七枚旋舞星辰Seven whirling stars(手里剑shuriken) 蜜丝特拉女神...
※魔法网络禁触(包括对神) 领域(Domain):善良,幻象,知识,魔法(Magic),法符(Rune),咒语(Spell) 奥格玛(Oghma)(中型外层界者,男性吟游诗人神) 阵营:绝对中立 神力:强大神力 神格等级(DivineRank):16 职业(总45级):吟游诗人20级/法师20级/牧师5级 生命值:855 基本属性:力量26,敏捷28,体质24,智力40,感知...
Naturally, being able to cancel out a magical effect at will is pretty strong stuff. There are a fair few things to consider before adding it to your spell list, though. Firstly, you’ll need to think about party synergy. Everyone and their mum seem able to cast Dispel Magic, so why ...
Selecting Fey Touched as your feat adds Misty Step and a first-level Divination or Enchantment of your choice to your spell list, doubling your initial spells known from two to four. As you level up, the presence of reliably useful low-level spells allows you to replace them with new optio...
中文: http://www.lowmagicage.com/files/ogl_3r_spls/cn 英文: http://www.lowma 分享411 dnd吧 唐门高燃 dnd法术A-Z强酸箭(Acid Arrow) 学派:咒法系(创造)[强酸] 等级:魔战士 2,术士/法师 2 施法时间:标准动作 成分:语言,姿势,材料(大黄叶与蝰蛇胃囊),器材(一个飞镖) 范围:远距(400尺 + 每...
第10 级起,你施展一个需要你在施法过程中进行属性检定的防护系法术时(比如反制法术 counterspell 和解除魔法dispel magic),你可以在进行相应的属性检定时加上你的熟练加值。 防护学派技能表中的技能释放时施法判定+2(+1,+2)。 专精技能 法术抗性罕见 释放行动 被动 技能等级 3-12 消耗能量 无 技能冷却 无 第...
Metamagic Master (Su): As a free action while casting a spell, you can expend 1 or more ...