打击以太生物(strike ethereal creatures)(特异):古龙以上的以太龙能够打击以太生物,如同它们是物质的。这个能力不允许处于以太位面的以太龙影响处于主物质位面的生物。 召唤以太风(summon ethereal cyclone)(超自然):每日一次,处于以太位面的太古以太龙能够召唤以太风。这需要一个全回合动作,而风暴将持续一分钟。距离该以...
力量14,敏捷17,体质15,智力20,感知18,魅力20,移动24,游泳60,体型小型S(3英尺6英寸),魔抗70%,防御等级-3(-7),生命骰15,生命值120,#攻击0次(2次),零级命中值5,伤害1d3 + 3 x 2(匕首) 特殊攻击/防御,无物质躯体Special Att/Def,No Corporeal Body:若该化身位于某个漆黑之钻刻面1英里内,她将没有物...
CR:雏龙5,幼龙6,少年8,青少年10,青年13,成年14,壮年17,老年19,极老20,古龙21,上古龙22,太古龙23 宝物:3倍标准 阵营:总是守序善良 进化:雏龙10-11,幼龙13-14,少年16-17,青少年19-20,青年22-23,成年25-26,壮年28-29,老年31-32,极老34-35,古龙37-38,上古龙40-41,太古龙43+HD LA:雏龙+4,幼龙...
CR 7 Ah, theMind Flayer– another evil aberration that makes for a great D&D encounter. An original creation of D&D co-creator Gary Gygax, the tentacle-faced Illithid (as they’re also known) uses its psionic abilities to control, attack, and eat the brains of other creatures. ...
Thea Kent lovingly illustrated all 70 cards. Get inspired and wow your players with Thea's fresh take on classic creatures. Beyond Basics In addition to 5e stats we created custom quirks, names, variants and random tables for most cards. ...
扫荡怪群Cleaving through Creatures 如果玩家的角色们经常与一些低等级的怪物战斗,则你可以考虑使用该选用规则来加速这些战斗。当一次近战攻击将一个未受伤害的生物生命值降至0点时,该攻击造成的任何额外伤害可以转移给附近的另一个生物。攻击者可以指定其触及范围内的另一个生物作为目标,如果最初的攻击检定命中,则对...
“Individually weak”, it adds, “they gather in large numbers to torment other creatures.” Further, we read via DnD Beyond, Goblins are “motivated by greed and malice”; they “delight in the torment of others and embrace all manner of wickedness”. They can often be found in raiding...
Detect magic is designed to detect magical effects, not the background magic that suffuses creatures or the universe. Chris Perkins confirms this sort of interpretation here: Can detect magic detect magic potential of spellcasters even if they're not actively casting a spell? It's not ...
力量14,敏捷17,体质15,智力20,感知18,魅力20,移动24,游泳60,体型小型S(3英尺6英寸),魔抗70%,防御等级-3(-7),生命骰15,生命值120,#攻击0次(2次),零级命中值5,伤害1d3 + 3 x 2(匕首) 特殊攻击/防御,无物质躯体Special Att/Def,No Corporeal Body:若该化身位于某个漆黑之钻刻面1英里内,她将没有物...