每日6次,每次召唤最多80HD,该化身能 召唤林地生物summon woodland creatures,并且随意使用,她能 召唤集群summon swarm。除了其它行动外,她还额外能挥动手 纠缠entangle 生物(-6豁免骰)。根据她的意愿,泰坦妮亚能 指使geas(不允许豁免)任何生物,在他们的余生不能进入深林。她的魔杖功能如同一柄顶部镶嵌 光辉宝石gem ...
而压制端更是没有,再看看上古邪物屠神者的不能恢复神术、利维坦的混乱魔法场、沙斯拉格特的卡传送,孩子都馋哭了好吗。总之,就是不值57这个挑战等级,早期堆数值的产物,和3版后期上邪这些cr20左右的机制怪一比就很low,甚至和同书的其他神孽比也显得low咕啵 来自Android客户端7楼2022-02-06 23:55 回复 ...
CR 7 Ah, theMind Flayer– another evil aberration that makes for a great D&D encounter. An original creation of D&D co-creator Gary Gygax, the tentacle-faced Illithid (as they’re also known) uses its psionic abilities to control, attack, and eat the brains of other creatures. ...
CR:雏龙5,幼龙6,少年8,青少年10,青年13,成年14,壮年17,老年19,极老20,古龙21,上古龙22,太古龙23 宝物:3倍标准 阵营:总是守序善良 进化:雏龙10-11,幼龙13-14,少年16-17,青少年19-20,青年22-23,成年25-26,壮年28-29,老年31-32,极老34-35,古龙37-38,上古龙40-41,太古龙43+HD LA:雏龙+4,幼龙...
This CR 3-5 range seems like an appropriate increase in power, but as with both its predecessors, some of these greatest steeds will be less greatest than others. I've carefully chosen four creatures for this spell, I feel that each brings something unique to the...
扫荡怪群Cleaving through Creatures 如果玩家的角色们经常与一些低等级的怪物战斗,则你可以考虑使用该选用规则来加速这些战斗。当一次近战攻击将一个未受伤害的生物生命值降至0点时,该攻击造成的任何额外伤害可以转移给附近的另一个生物。攻击者可以指定其触及范围内的另一个生物作为目标,如果最初的攻击检定命中,则对...
Bless works exactly as it did in the 2014 rules. Still, a low-level spell that gives three (or more, if you upcast) creatures a minute’s supply of roll bonuses? That’s a must-have. Conjure Minor Elementals Dear lord, what a comeback. Conjure Minor Elementals went from being a Pl...
CR:1/4(50XP) 法术抗力:皮克精在对抗法术和其他魔法效果的豁免掷骰上有优势。 天生施法:皮克精的施法关键属性为魅力(法术DC12)。她能够施展以下法术,施法材料只需要妖精尘: 任意:德鲁伊戏法 Druidcraft 每日一次: 困惑术 confusion,舞光术 dancing lights,侦测善良和邪恶 detect evil and good,侦测思想 detect thou...