DnD_5E_新手套组_基础入门规则CN.pdf,STARTER SET RULEBOOK 入门套组规则书 龙与地下城第五版 第 1 章:如何游戏 How to Play 第 3 章:冒险 Adventuring 入门指引 Getting Started 旅行 Travel 六项属性 Six Abilities 休息 Resting 第 2 章:战斗 Combat 奖励 Rewards 装
土豪啊……不知道以后会不会有基于5e的CRPG…… 13楼2014-08-21 07:04 回复 绯夜前奏 眼魔 13 壕。跪了。话说没翻译这本我也看不懂 啊 14楼2014-08-21 08:03 回复 丽达 云巨人 11 壕 全英文看着太费劲,表示无力。一群一直在玩 PF的烂弱问下,是否真的跟PF很接近?大麻含量又是多少? 15楼2014...
求问5e起始包的内容..Ideal for a group of 4 – 6, the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set includes a 64-page adventure book
Lost Mine of Phandelver is included in the D&D Starter Set and is probably the most well-received 5e adventure to date. The moduleice is intended to serve as a basic introduction to tabletop D&D. It contains a set of basic rules, an adventure, several pre-made character sheets, and a ...
如果你有COC跑团经验的话,想要入坑DND 5E没有任何难度,只需要习惯更多使用D20就好了(不过貌似这也不...
Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Tyranny of Dragons Re-release Keys from the Golden Vault Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk Vecna: Eve of Ruin Quests from the Infinite Staircase Upcoming Books ...
5eDnD_凡戴尔的失落矿坑_模组_中译(二校).pdf,LOST MINE OF PHANDELVER 凡戴尔的失落矿坑 龙与地下城第五版 简介Introduction 古枭井Old Owl Well 运作冒险Running the Adventure 雷树废墟Ruins of Thundertree 背景Background 飞龙岩Wyvern Tor 概述Overview 克拉摩堡Cragm
DND5e龙与地下城 怪物手册 MM_中文_v1.0.pdf,DD Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford Bruce R. Cordell, Kim Mohan, Chris Dupuis, Tom LaPille, Miranda Horner, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Steve Winter, Chris Youngs, Ben Petrisor, Tom Olsen, R.A. Salvatore Christopher Perk
Dnd 5e Dice Games|Acquisition Incorporated Dnd|Customization:Crafted for personalization, this dice set is fully customizable, ensuring a unique gaming experience. Aesthetic Appeal:Featuring a Cthulhu design, these dice are not only functional but also a striking addition to any collection. Versatility:...