Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Tyranny of Dragons Re-release Keys from the Golden Vault Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk Vecna: Eve of Ruin Quests from the Infinite Staircase Upcoming Books ...
In my longer campaign, I created a small "tutorial level", letting my players wander a city for a little bit and make some purchases and do some minor roleplaying, then had them go into a small battle, where all of them had the chance to make a couple of ...
5e Campaign Lab for DnD's encounter generator will allow you to generate endless encounters.The Encounter Generatorlets a user customize their encounter with the following options:•monster size•type•challenge rating (minimum and maximum)•number of monsters (minimum and maximum)•monster env...
Your player appears to want to play in a different campaign than you are running. That happens sometimes. Ask him to create a character that fits your campaign. Your player's character needs to fit in with all of the other characters in the campaign that are being played by the ot...
An upcoming Dungeons & Dragons campaign promises to make any adventurer hate clowns. Earlier this week, Hit Point Press launched a Kickstarter campaign for the Heckna! Carnival Horror Campaign Setting, a new campaign setting and adventure book detailing a ghoulish festival run by the mysterious...
"All Things DnD's Story Dungeon" How A 10-Year-Old PokÃmon Trainer Captures A Legendary & Derails A 5e Campaign (Podcast Episode 2020) - Top questions and answers about "All Things DnD's Story Dungeon" How A 10-Year-Old PokÃmon Trainer Captures A L
"Lawful Stupid - A DnD 5e Actual Play Podcast" Campaign 1 Season 1 Episode 20 - Kobolds at Castle Capel (Podcast Episode 2018) - Official sites, and other sites with posters, videos, photos and more.
I’ll get right to the point: Warlocks shouldn’t exist in 5e I know, I know - put the pitchfork down for just a moment. It’s not that Warlock’s aren’t fun (they are). It’s not that they’re game breaking (they aren’t). It’s not that the b...
Elder Goblin GamesConfession time: I've never run an "old school" style adventure. I've only ever run either Homebrew, or 5e and Pathfinder published adventures. I have run a few DCC adventures, and that's probably the closest I've ever come, but I tend to just make things up mysel...
With Skyriders I collect the mount/flying rules as a simple, accessible ruleset, and offer a set of advanced optional rules that can be used for more player agency in their play. Faiths of the Forgotten Realms 2 Preview November...