DnD_5E_新手套组_基础入门规则CN.pdf,STARTER SET RULEBOOK 入门套组规则书 龙与地下城第五版 第 1 章:如何游戏 How to Play 第 3 章:冒险 Adventuring 入门指引 Getting Started 旅行 Travel 六项属性 Six Abilities 休息 Resting 第 2 章:战斗 Combat 奖励 Rewards 装
Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Tyranny of Dragons Re-release Keys from the Golden Vault Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk Vecna: Eve of Ruin Quests from the Infinite Staircase Upcoming Books ...
5e Starter Set 到货,开箱 只看楼主收藏回复 黑羽苍天君 底栖魔鱼 7 晚上回家拆盒 送TA礼物 1楼2014-08-19 16:55回复 欧德之怒 小吧主 14 土豪! 来自Android客户端2楼2014-08-19 17:02 回复 老黄瓜 鬼婆战团 12 看着真棒,楼主是直接在亚马逊买的吗? 来自iPhone客户端3楼2014-08-19 18:19 ...
• 一座夺心魔监狱或庇护所,里面住满了失心和发疯的奴隶 如果你从未主持过DD 游戏,我们建议你看一下 《龙与 • 一座矮人墓园,里面一排排尘封的坟墓等待着被洗劫一空 地下城新手包DUNGEONS DRAGONS Starter Set》。这套出版 • 一座守备森严的哨站,里面全副武装的守卫守护者通向卓 物演示了如何从一群怪物...
5eDnD_凡戴尔的失落矿坑_模组_中译(二校).pdf,LOST MINE OF PHANDELVER 凡戴尔的失落矿坑 龙与地下城第五版 简介Introduction 古枭井Old Owl Well 运作冒险Running the Adventure 雷树废墟Ruins of Thundertree 背景Background 飞龙岩Wyvern Tor 概述Overview 克拉摩堡Cragm
Lost Mine of Phandelver is included in the D&D Starter Set and is probably the most well-received 5e adventure to date. The moduleice is intended to serve as a basic introduction to tabletop D&D. It contains a set of basic rules, an adventure, several pre-made character sheets, and a ...
Rye Alboa 正在 Kickstarter 上為 THEORYCRAFT: D&D 5e Character Development Planner (DnD 5th) 籌款! AMAZING - This DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Character Development Planner is what you need to THEORYCRAFT & optimise ALL your character concepts!
Zach 正在 Kickstarter 上為 The Soulforged and The Enchained - DnD 5.5e/5e Class Modules 籌款! Unleash Legendary Power: The Soulforged and The Enchained Homebrew Classes for Dungeons and Dragons 5.5e (5e compatible).
出自官方发布Starter Set的模组《凡度尔的失落矿坑》通常情况下,熟练DM带新人入坑都会选择使用这个模组。
5E’s full Starter Set released in July 2014 and contained pre-generated characters, instructions for basic play and an adventure module entitled Lost Mine of Phandelver. Since 2014, over 40 fifth-edition books, supplements and sourcebooks have been published, including adventure modules, rulebooks...