This guide is a deep dive into the shadows, giving you everything you need to form yourDnD 5e Rogue character. We’ll cover the coreDnD statsand help you choose the rightDnD backgroundandDnD skillsfor your next campaign. We’ll also break down each of the tantalizingRogue subclasses 5ehas...
The D&D Rogue class is tailor-made for dealing with problems outside of combat, and they are the best class for avoiding a fight altogether. They have access to many skill proficiencies and languages for this very purpose. This doesn’t mean that they’re a slouch in a scrap, as they h...
This has approximately a million uses: healing battery; letting a non-caster maintain a concentration buff; letting a familiar kick out attacks; granting the partyRogue 5eten invisibilities a day; letting the whole party use Alter Self to make them disguised as the enemy – the list is endles...
As a rogue, you gain the following class features. Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d8 per rogue level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per rogue level after 1st Proficiencies Armor: Light armor Weapons: Sim...
Bards can only get expertise with skills and get their options later; two skills at level three and level 10. Bards get a similar number of skills as the Rogue, though College of Lore Bards trounces the sneaky class with six skill proficiencies from class alone. Four options let you fill...
Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those proficiencies. Superior Mobility At 9th level, your walking speed increases by 10 feet. If you have a climbing or swimming speed, this increase applies to that speed as well. Ambush Master Starting at...
Heavy armor is one of the more sought after proficiencies due to the non-scaling AC of 5e. That said, it comes with a fair amount of downsides in that you have to devote a lot of resources to STR, and you get disadvantage on Stealth checks. If your character build values AC over ASI...
RogueDexterity 13 SorcererCharisma 13 WarlockCharisma 13 WizardIntelligence 13 Experience Points The experience point cost to gain a level is always based on your total character level, as shown in the Character Advancement table, not your level in a particular class. So, if you are a cleric 6...
Occasionally, your proficiency bonus might be multiplied or divided (doubled or halved, for example) before you apply it. For example, the rogue’s Expertise feature doubles the proficiency bonus for certain ability checks. If a circumstance suggests that your proficiency bonus applies more than on...