Another race that has +2 Dexterity across its subraces, allHalfling 5echaracters have the makings of a great Monk. The Nimbleness race ability allows Halflings to move through the space of creatures larger than themselves, something that Monks can take advantage of by spending ki to activate the...
Pick a Stout Halfling for +2 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, the handy Lucky feature that allows you to reroll attack, ability and saving throw rolls of one, Halfling Nimbleness, which allows you to move through the space of creatures larger than you, and Stout Resilience, which grants advantage...
You still have advantage on attack rolls against creatures grappled by you, but the option to pin the target as an action has been removed. Instead, your speed isn’t halved when you move a creature you’re grappling, provided itsDnD sizeis the same as yours or smaller. Great Weapon Mas...