SomeDnD subclassesrely on this mix of magic and melee, like the Circle of SporesDnD Druidor the BladesingingWizard 5e. War Caster allows these characters to take up sword and board, charge into battle, and not worry about whether their Haste 5e spell will be cut short. Plus, a cheeky sp...
As a bonus action, you gain advantage on Intimidation (CHA) checks against the cursed creature. When amplified, the next WIS saving throw the cursed creature makes before the curse’s end has disadvantage. Blood Curse of Binding As a bonus action, you can attempt to bind a Large or smaller...
GRAPPLE (instead of one attack) With a free hand, give the grappled condition to an opponent that is within reach and up to one size larger than you CONDITIONS (PHB 290) by winning Str (Athletics) check vs. opponent’s Str (Athletics) or Dex (Acrobatics) check. MARK (with melee ...
But when someone is Grappled during aDungeon & Dragonsbattle, their movement speed is reduced to zero. By successfully pulling off this Grapple + Shove combo, grapplingD&Dplayer characterscan knock an opponent down, nullify their ability to move, and render them vulnerable to close-range attacks...
Blood Fury Tattoos allow for 10 charges of Bloodthirsty Strikes that can deal an extra 4d6 Necrotic damage to a target when attacking, allowing its bearer to regain HP equal to the Necrotic damage dealt in a D&D battle. When a creature attacks the tattoo's bearer, a charge can be expende...
A naturally resilient race that dwells in frozen mountaintops, Goliaths have resistance to Cold damage thanks to their Mountain Born trait. Once per short rest,Goliath 5echaracters can use their reaction to shrug off damage from an enemy attack, reducing it by d12 + their Constitution modifier....
After attacking with Unarmed Strike or one of their order’s weapons, Monks can use their bonus action to make another unarmed strike (although this behaves a lot like an instance of two-weapon fighting, it doesn’t interact with5e featslike Dual Wielder or the Two-Weapon Fighting style). ...
Lay on Hands 5egives you a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to your Paladin level multiplied by five. As an action, you can touch a creature and restore hit points up to the maximum...