Meaning the DAV leadership has put veterans into problems when trying to get to El Paso for medical care. The other veteran was a Vietnam veteran who has a Purple Heart for wounds in battle. His health has been deteriorating, and the VA has dragged its feet every step of the way ...
Wouldn’t that deprive the word “Catholic” of all meaning ? If you agree that there has to be some way of differentiating between a Catholic and a non-Catholic, something more than self-identification, then who but the Bishops would you have decide what those discriminators are ? ……...
The first primary that matters according to the DNC is South Carolina on 2/3, followed by Nevada on 2/6 and Michigan on 2/27. These states are supposedly more representative for the Democratic Party than Iowa and NH, meaning they are more racially and ethnically diverse, though to my mind...
Her mother taught her “the meaning of hard work and humility and decency" and was "the woman who set my moral compass high.” Obama then said she and Harris’ mother Shyamala Gopalan Harris had a shared set of values. “Kamala Harris and I built our lives on those same fo...
At the time, Iwrotethat people need to “consider the implications of Carter’s opinion . . . there is no clear limiting principle of when a legal opinion becomes a criminal conspiracy beyond the court’s predisposition of the meaning of these facts.” ...
The missons of Pre-hospital medical care include the propaganda and training of self-aid knowledge and skills. A. 正确 B. 错误 查看完整题目与答案 白化珊瑚需要水温恢复正常后,才能重新获得藻类并恢复。而藻类共生体可以重新定植,珊瑚的“外貌”看似也可以从白化中恢复,但珊瑚健康受到的长期影响一直...
The medical provider has demanded the patient be seen in the clinic, thus negating a phone or video styled appointment. The patient’s record clearly states the patient has trouble complying with mandatory masking for patients seen in the clinic. The provider arrives 20+ minutes late to the ...
Sure, medical professionals peddled smoking as a curative; but they also peddled mercury, heroin, cocaine, and a ton of other chemicals and poisons, and those companies never got in trouble. So why were cigarette manufacturers singled out; envy and a lack of morality where consequences are ac...
Worse, many times, these pills crumble when split, meaning the patient now has to try and judge how many smaller pieces equal a half, cut another pill, or take the whole pill that broke into tiny pieces. These decisions could be avoided if the VISN 17 policy on prescription and “saving...
Administration Services (HAS), to the hospital director’s suite, all sorts of deaf ears and crickets were in attendance. I reported issues to the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) which is a geographic group of VA Medical Centers under common leadership; also, to no avail, crickets,...