Membership has meaning and obligations. Hypothetically, Dwyer, suppose you asked to become a Catholic. You kept your same values and beliefs that you hold now, and professed them openly, but wanted to join for some unspecified reason. How should a parish react ? ....
Amazingly, the presidential election of 2024 isn’t that far away, and already the Democratic Party is doing its best to remove democracy from the process. Once again, the DNC is uniting behind Joe Biden who, if reelected, would be 86 if he finished his second term of office. Already So...
Meaning the DAV leadership has put veterans into problems when trying to get to El Paso for medical care. The other veteran was a Vietnam veteran who has a Purple Heart for wounds in battle. His health has been deteriorating, and the VA has dragged its feet every step of the way ...
Her mother taught her “the meaning of hard work and humility and decency" and was "the woman who set my moral compass high.” Obama then said she and Harris’ mother Shyamala Gopalan Harris had a shared set of values. “Kamala Harris and I built our lives on those same fo...
Social justice is a term that has been plasticized, warped, spindled, and mutilated into a farce of what social justice meant when penned by Thomas Paine. Social justice is supposed to be where all society works to promote social equality and fight poverty. Instead, it has become a “War ...
Meaning that those exercising political leadership positions have a derogatory view of you; the common citizen, those of us who elected them to power. The politicians are in the “political game” to demean, abuse, and destroy you. Mad yet? Feeling betrayed? We, the citizens, need to ...
During my tenure as a medical support assistant (MSA) in the emergency room of the Albuquerque, NM VA Hospital, I took a class being offered on the new direction the VA customer service was going to embody called I-CARE. I-CARE became my objective, as a customer service professional. As...