1. 结合区域 ...or),转录因子均具备与DNA 相结合之能力,此等结合区域(DNA-binding domains)之基本构型有那四种?xuelele.com.tw|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,结合区域 更多例句筛选 1. The DNA binding domains and natural nuclear localization signal sequences make his tones excellent candidates for effec...
DNA-binding domains of plant-specific transcription factors: structure, function, and evolution. Trends Plant Sci, 18: 267~276Yamasaki K, Kigawa T, Seki M, Shinozaki K, Yokoyama S. DNA-binding domains of plant-specific transcription factors: structure, function, and evolution . Trends Plant Sci...
Definition The recognition and binding of specific DNA sequences is achieved by protein domains structured as basic domains next to helix‐loop‐helix or leucine zipper structures, or as zinc finger, helix‐turn‐helix, or less well defined motifs. Transcription Factors and Regulation of Gene Expres...
1.4 DNA-binding Domains DNA-binding domains adopt different structures, and the interaction of these domains with DNA can be established through alpha helices, beta sheets, or disordered regions (Figure 1.3; Pabo and Sauer, 1992). Usually, the DNA-binding domain forms a module that can be sepa...
OmpR belongs to a subfamily of at least 50 response regulators with homologous C-terminal DNA-binding domains of approximately 98 amino acids. Sequence homology with DNA-binding proteins of known structure cannot be detected, and the lack of structural information has prevented understanding of many ...
DNA-binding domains (DBDs) frequently have N- or C-terminal tails, rich in lysine and/or arginine and disordered in free solution, that bind the DNA separately from and in the opposite groove to the folded domain. Is their role simply to increase affinity for DNA or do they have a role...
Speltz, T.E., Qiao, Z., Swenson, C.S.et al.Targeting MYC with modular synthetic transcriptional repressors derived from bHLH DNA-binding domains.Nat Biotechnol41, 541–551 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-022-01504-x Download citation ...
Characterization of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe protection of telomeres 1 (Pot1) DNA-binding domains by biochemical and structural techniquesBiochemistry Characterization of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe protection of telomeres 1 (Pot1) DNA-binding domains by biochemical and structural techniques UNIVERSITY OF...
Thus, protein domains that bind DNA provide suitable structures for presenting signals to the nuclear transport machinery. Nuclear transport receptor binding to a DBD-containing protein should, in addition, block the interaction of the protein with DNA. In the case of GR and probably other nuclear...
Background: The nuclear receptor superfamily of transcription factors directs gene expression through DNA sequence-specific interactions with target genes. Nuclear import of these receptors involves recognition of a nuclear localization signal (NLS) by importins, which mediate translocation into the nucleus...