1. 结合区域 ...or),转录因子均具备与DNA 相结合之能力,此等结合区域(DNA-binding domains)之基本构型有那四种?xuelele.com.tw|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,结合区域 更多例句筛选 1. The DNA binding domains and natural nuclear localization signal sequences make his tones excellent candidates for effec...
Well-characterized DNA-binding domains include the helix–turn–helix motif found in the homeobox transcription factors, the two cysteine–two histidine zinc finger which is found, for example, in the Sp transcription factor family, the multicysteine zinc finger which is found in the nuclear ...
Definition The recognition and binding of specific DNA sequences is achieved by protein domains structured as basic domains next to helix‐loop‐helix or leucine zipper structures, or as zinc finger, helix‐turn‐helix, or less well defined motifs. Transcription Factors and Regulation of Gene Expres...
DNA-binding domains adopt different structures, and the interaction of these domains with DNA can be established through alpha helices, beta sheets, or disordered regions (Figure 1.3; Pabo and Sauer, 1992). Usually, the DNA-binding domain forms a module that can be separated from the rest of...
转录因子的融合蛋白。在哺乳动物细胞中表达891个人类和444个小鼠的DNA-Binding Domains(DBDs)和984个人的全长转录因子,这些蛋白的C-端有tag标记。 实验方法 1. 指数富集的配基系统进化技术(systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment, SELEX): 从随机...
How transcription factors (TFs) use a limited repertoire of DNA-binding domains (DBDs) to orchestrate complex gene regulatory networks is a central and yet unresolved question6,7,8,9. Although certain TFs, such as those with zinc-finger DBDs, can expand the complexity of their sequence specific...
Speltz, T.E., Qiao, Z., Swenson, C.S.et al.Targeting MYC with modular synthetic transcriptional repressors derived from bHLH DNA-binding domains.Nat Biotechnol41, 541–551 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-022-01504-x Download citation ...
OmpR belongs to a subfamily of at least 50 response regulators with homologous C-terminal DNA-binding domains of approximately 98 amino acids. Sequence homology with DNA-binding proteins of known structure cannot be detected, and the lack of structural information has prevented understanding of many ...
SMC1和SMC3的肽链的两端在头部形成了一种特殊的空间结构,叫做核苷酸结合结构域(nucleotide-binding domain, NBD),而且它还具有水解ATP的活性。正是依靠这种结构,SMC1-SMC3在头部(heads)通过ATP的相互结合,构成了粘合素的“内门”(inner gate)。在下图中,A、B、S是蛋白质的三种不同的空间结构。(它们其实是有全称...
以往的研究表明,多个复制体因子具有组蛋白分子伴侣活性,并参与组蛋白到新生链的转运和分配。例如,Mcm2亚基的N末端延伸结构域(N-terminal extension,NTE)中含有一段保守的组蛋白结合结构域(histone binding domain,HBD),能够以模拟DNA结合的方式缠绕组蛋白(H3-H4)2四聚体并促进其分配至新生DNA滞后链【10,11...