related disease pathology, including the construction of chronological and biological age predictors (termed DNA methylation ‘clocks’). Three studies investigate the substantial stochastic contribution to these epigenetic changes and further our understanding of aging biology, as well as of these ...
2024年9月9日,来自德州农工大学的黄韵教授课题组,李佳教授课题组和周育斌教授课题组合作在Nature Cell Biology杂志上发表了最新研究Perturbing TET2 condensation promotes aberrant genome-wide DNA methylation and curtails leukemia cell growth。德州农工大学的郭磊助理教授和洪婷婷博士为论文共同的第一作者。该论文深入...
[38] Shah JN, Shao G, Hei TK, et al. Methylation screening of the TGFBI promoter in human lung and prostate cancer by methylation-specific PCR. BMC Cancer 2008;8:284. [39] Kawasaki T, Nosho K, Ohnishi M, et al. IGFBP3 promoter methylation in colorectal cancer: relationship with micro...
Biochemistry and biology of DNA methylationNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1016/0014-5793(86)81362-XDavid ShugarFebs Letters
DNA甲基化(DNA methylation)是一种生物过程,是DNA化学修饰的一种形式,能在不改变DNA序列的前提下改变 DNA 片段的活性、从而改变遗传表现,为表观遗传编码的一部分,是一种外遗传机制,对细胞的正常发育至关重要,因此,与人体的几乎全部病...
为满足不同实验室的需求,MethylationToActivity可以通过Github下载源代码以及预测模型(,也可以通过日前发布的St. Jude cloud【6】来完成从DNA甲基化数据到全基因组启动子的活性预测(,单个样品预测只需20分钟。 原文链接 制版人:老翅...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease characterized by the progressive accumulation of amyloid-beta and neurofibrillary tangles of tau in the neocortex. We profiled DNA methylation in two regions of the cortex from 631 donors,
2024年3月,南京农业大学张绍铃院士团队在Genome Biology杂志上发表了题为“Multi-omics provide insights into the regulation of DNA methylation in pear fruit metabolism”的研究论文,文章利用多组学手段,通过对砀山酥梨果实从果实发育到成熟共11个发育阶段的代谢组、蛋白质组、转录组进行全面分析,通过全生育期数据构建...
2025年1月16日,经过深圳市转化医学研究院(深圳大学第一附属医院)、武汉大学、深圳市儿童医院紧密合作,陈实教授研究组和王连荣教授研究组合作在Nature Chemical Biology在线发表了题为A DNA phosphorothioation pathway via adenylated intermedia...
A pan-tissue DNA methylation atlas enables in silico decomposition of human tissue methylomes at cell-type resolution Tianyu Zhu, Jacklyn Liu, Stephan Beck, Sun Pan, David Capper, Matt Lechner, Chrissie Thirlwell, Charles E. Breeze & Andrew E. Teschendorff Nature Methods volume 19...